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Sunday, 10 February 2013

Are These The Healthiest Chocolates Ever?!

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Balls

High protein, high fibre, low in saturated fat, and they taste absolutely delicious!

Made from Whey Protein Powder (for growth and repair of muscles, bones and skin and helps you feel fuller for longer), flax oil and ground flax seeds (rich in omega 3, protein, iron and zinc), peanut butter (protein), honey, cocoa powder and rolled in chopped nuts. They are very simple to make too -just combine the ingredients in a bowl, form into balls and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

The full recipe is on the Little London Herbal Stores February newsletter.  If you would like to receive this newsletter detailing special offers, in-store promotions, events and a monthly recipe made from some of our healthy ingredients, please email sales@all-ages-vitamins to be added to the email database.

Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Holistic Therapist and Meditation Teacher based at Little London Herbal Stores, 9 Kings Walk, Nottingham, NG1 2AE.  Please visit her website or visit and 'like' her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics.

Little London Herbal Stores products can also be purchased on line - please visit their website

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Positive Change with Reiki

Over my ten years giving Reiki treatments, I have seen dramatic improvements in the lives of many of my regular Reiki clients.  The first sign of improvement is usually in the area of self-esteem as blocks are gradually released from the energy field.  People often change the way they react to situations and notice that they behave in a different, more positive, manner than they would have done previously.  They become stronger and cope better, as the following two case studies show....

Client A had a very demanding, stressful job with targets to meet and strict guidelines to adhere to.  She was always absolutely exhausted when she came to see me at a weekend for monthly treatments.  She had been on anti-depressants for the previous year, had high blood pressure, poor sleep patterns and arthritis in the right knee which required a walking stick for support.  For the first two treatments she felt very good for the day of the treatment and the day after and slept very well around this time.  After the second treatment she was starting to feel more balanced.  She also realised she had coped very well with a particularly difficult month and her sleep pattern had improved.  After four sessions she was feeling stronger and brighter in herself and her sleep had improved to the extent that she was not falling asleep in the early evening (or day time at weekends).  Stress at work continued, and she also had family health matters to worry about during this time, but on the whole she coped much better than she would have done before.  After six treatments the treatments changed as the Reiki energy addressed her physical health conditions including joint pain and a long term cough/chest condition.  After a year she felt confident enough to make the change she really needed to make - to change her job. Although initially there were frustrations in the new job, she remained in control, coped well and never doubted that she had made the right move.  A year on she was much more settled.  She is now looking very well in herself, is sleeping well, no longer uses a walking stick for support and only has occasional twinges in the knee joint.  She realised that for her health to improve fully and consistently, she had to make a real change in her work life.

Client B was suffering from anxiety and felt she had to be 'on alert' all the time.  She was struggling to work her part-time hours and was often tearful at work.  She was also a carer for another family member, was tired all the time, suffered with menstrual irregularities and had been diagnosed with anaemia.  Initial treatments focussed on balancing the reproductive system.  During these early treatments she also had a lot of realisations and insights regarding herself and what she does for other people.  She also had a lot of vivid dreams at this time - a sign of significant releasing taking place at a subconscious level.  After the fourth treatment she felt much more decisive and was feeling much more positive at work.  After the sixth she was coping much better with life in general, things that used to bother and upset her didn't really affect her anymore, and she was feeling considerably stronger in all areas of life.  She is receiving conventional medical help for fibroids and anaemia but at the same time has also been able to go back to work full-time.  She is now enjoying her job and realising how valued and appreciated she is.

It is worth pointing out here that, with Reiki, the most important conditions are dealt with first, in this case the clients' mental/emotional state which usually contributes significantly to many physical problems they may be suffering from.  The Reiki energy has an intelligence of its own and always addresses the most important issue first, followed by recent health problems, then seems to work backwards as it gradually clears the energy field of blockages.

Both clients had regular monthly treatments over a period of 18 months - 2 years and then continued on a less regular basis.  Both have made significant changes in their lives: one found the courage to leave a job that was making her stressed out and exhausted and move into a new post, something she wouldn't even have had the energy to contemplate when she first came for treatments; the other was able to go back to full-time work and is not only coping well but is enjoying her job and is highly regarded by her boss and colleagues.  Both clients were prepared to commit to their healing on a long term basis rather than just expecting a quick fix and the results have been worth waiting for.

Reiki Attunement

Neither of these clients were attuned to Reiki themselves.  If they had been, and been able to give themselves self-healing on a regular basis, the results would have been evident much more quickly.  Once attuned to the Reiki energy at Level 1, the necessary releasing and processing takes place usually within 3-6 months, depending on the amount of healing the student needs to do. Once attuned, you can give yourself regular self-healing treatments which speeds your healing and spiritual development along considerably.  Being attuned to Reiki doesn't mean you will never encounter problems in your life again but it does give you the means to cope and deal with things much more effectively.  Just remember to make time to do your self-healing and you'll find you stay much more calm, centred and balanced as a result.

Reiki Level 1 Training

If you are interested in learning Reiki and taking your Reiki 1 attunement, please don't hesitate to contact me via email at for further course details.  Information can also be found on my website

The first level of Reiki training is particularly concerned with self-healing but you will also learn how to give a treatment to family and friends. If you've been thinking about doing someting to improve your health and wellbeing, now could be the time to finally do it. Your Reiki 1 training can be the start of a whole new journey of personal development and self-improvement!

My next Reiki 1 course is 16 & 17 March 2013 and will be held at Little London Herbal Stores, 9 Kings Walk, Nottingham, NG1 2AE, cost £100.

Helen Shortland
Reiki Master Healer Teacher, Holistic Therapist & Meditation Teacher

Sunday, 3 February 2013

The Power of Intention & Synchronicity

At the end of 2012 I was asked if I had any resolutions for the New Year and this question set me thinking about what I wanted to achieve during 2013.  I decided it was time to get myself and my work more widely known.  The next morning I woke up with the inspiration to start writing blogs.  I realised I have a lot of experience of the healing journey and a lot of knowledge of healing and other spiritual topics.  Within the next five minutes I had 'channelled' the introductory section for my blog spot, then the first blog came through within the next fifteen to twenty minutes.  The next day I received the draft outline for another blog and ideas for five more!

So what exactly could be going on here?  All I had done was set an intention and the ideas came through.  We all have intentions all the time, which can be likened to the energy we give out.  Everything we expect, good or bad, conscious or unconscious, is being attracted to us and brought into our energy field.  Our intention is an energy or power that emanates out from us in all directions.  Most people constantly change their minds about what they want and how they think about themselves and others, so the energy is contradictory and too weak to attract anything in particular.  On the other hand, people who seem to achieve a lot in life, who are very creative and successful, have a strong field of energy.  Often they grew up in an environment where success was expected and taken for granted; other times they may just be driven to pursue a chosen career path or achieve a certain goal.

For me this highlights the importance of (a) not giving in to negative thoughts but stopping them and replacing them with positive ones and (b) the importance of healthy self-esteem, self-belief and self-worth which allows us to believe that we deserve the good things we want out of life.  I believe this is the essential underlying principle behind the success of all forms of manifesting and cosmic ordering.

The most important thing to be clear about is what you actually want - always bearing in mind of course other people's free will.  If you constantly change your mind or are only half-hearted, there isn't enough energy behind it to manifest the goal.  Start with small things like desiring and visualising an empty parking space.  Another common example of the power of intention is when you know you have to wake up especially early and you wake up well in time of the alarm clock going off.  If you have set the intention to come up with ideas for a new project, you must make the time to sit quietly to receive the 'guidance'/inspiration you have asked for.  Otherwise you've made the request and placed your order but aren't letting the universe deliver your goods to you! 

The intention I set to get my work more widely known was, I believe, linked to my higher path or destiny and I asked at a time when I was ready to take the next step.  When something is right for you, everything just flows along and falls easily into place.  Which leads us on to synchronicity ...

Getting into the Synchronistic Flow

Synchronicity can be described as the meaningful events, thoughts and intuitions that occur when you pursue a particular line of action, in other words, the seeming 'coincidences' that occur to give us information relating to our question.  When your energy level is good and you maintain a constant intention, it's as if you get on a roll, when opportunities come your way and doors open.

The first step is to increase your energy: on a practical level this can be done through eating more healthily and exercising.  You can also start to clear your energy field of clutter by deciding to let go of painful emotions of the past and practicing forgiveness.  Increasing your energy can also be achieved by setting the intention to connect with the divine inside us all.  Go out into nature and notice the beauty all around you.  Look at the flowers, trees and leave; notice their unique shape and colour.  Your perceptual ability will gradually heighten, the colours will become clearer and you can breathe in even more energy.  Then look for the increase in the beauty around you as you breathe.  According to The Celestine Prophecy series by James Redfield, the degree of beauty we see around us is a measure of how much divine energy we have within us.

You can also ask God, your guides and angels to assist you with your goal if you wish.  Let the inspiration come to you, then get creative and start taking action.  When the time is right, opportunities will arise and your goals will start to manifest.

Setting your own Intention

I have now set my intention to boost my intuition to help me make the right choices and draw to myself the opportunities I need to move forward in my healing work.

If you haven't made any New Year resolutions, or are starting to lose heart with the ones you did make, why not take the time now to think about what you really want to do with your life, what goals you want to achieve and where you go from here, and start putting the power of intention to work right now!

Next time...
March blog - Spring Cleaning the Energy Field with Aura Cleansing, Cord Cutting and Recharging.
April blog - The Power of Intention applied to Healing.

Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Holistic Therapist & Meditation Teacher based at Little London Herbal Stores in Nottingham city centre.  Please visit her website for further information on therapies, courses, workshops etc and/or visit and 'like' her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics for special offers on therapies etc.