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Saturday, 3 January 2015

Introduction to the Tarot: What it is, How it works and How it can help you

The tarot is a pack of 78 cards comprised of 22 Major Arcana (or trump cards) and 56 Minor Arcana cards which can be likened to a pack of playing cards with their 4 different suits.  In the past tarot has had a reputation for ruthless prediction, as a consequence of which they are often regarded with fear and caution, but do they really deserve this reputation and can they be used in a more positive, empowering way?

A Historic Mystery

Most people have heard of the Tarot today but its origins are still shrouded in mystery.  Some say that the tarot was brought to Europe by gypsies; others that it came from Egypt.  Personally I don’t think either of these suggestions is entirely correct.  The Major Arcana is said to represent the spiritual journey and the challenges we meet along the way.  Some say that the Major Arcana tells the story of the lost feminine, the sacred feminine or Holy Grail and her repression by the Catholic Church and our patriarchal society over the centuries.  Certainly the origins of the Tarot are focussed in areas of Europe where the Grail/Mary Magdalene legends are most alive, namely southern France (Languedoc) and northern Italy.

The earliest tarot deck is the 14th century Charles VI or Gringonneur deck, originating in France, and the 15th century Visconti-Sforza deck originally created for the Dukes of Milan.  The imagery in both these decks is medieval not Egyptian.  Margaret Starbird in her book ‘The Tarot Trumps and the Holy Grail’ relates the knights in the Tarot to the Knights Templar (Order of the Knights of the Temple of Solomon), the historical protectors of the Grail family and its secrets.  It is said that the secret the Knights Templar brought back from the crusades in Jerusalem was so powerful that it could not be written down or spoken about.  Instead its wisdom was enshrined in the images of the Major Arcana to preserve the legend for all time.  The Roman Catholic Church subsequently declared the tarot to be heretical.

Relevance Today

Today the tarot is used to identify the major events and emotions that are universal to the human race.  The Major Arcana reflects the major themes in life that we all experience and the Minor Arcana fills in the more detailed, day to day aspects.  Since the tarot is the story of life, the story of the spiritual journey, it is relevant to each and every one of us.  Maybe it can help you …

How the Tarot Works

Tarot works on an energy basis, simplified as like attracts like.  The tarot acts as a mirror, reflecting back the thoughts, feelings, major truths, undercurrents from the subconscious and likely outcomes based on current conditions.  It taps into the wisdom of the soul and the unconscious to reflect what is truly going on.  The cards are the link between the subconscious and conscious mind of the Enquirer.  The reader’s role is merely to interpret and reveal what the cards are saying.  A reading brings to light what is unseen or unclear as the hidden wisdom of the subconscious mind is brought into the light of the conscious mind.  Often what is revealed during a reading simply just ‘rings true’: this is because we are recognising it as truth at a deeper, intuitive level.

How can it help you?

A reading usually provides the insight you need to help you make more informed decisions in life.  Seeing your situation and options from a higher perspective can bring greater clarity in an area of confusion or difficulty.  However a reading should provide guidance only: ultimately any decisions are up to you.  A reading should be empowering, helping you to see your options and any underlying patterns.  So, would you benefit from a reading?  If any of the following questions sound interesting, then the answer is probably yes!

  • Would you like to gain greater perspective on your current situation?
  • Are you wanting to see what lies ahead in the near future?
  • Would you like to see how best to move forward in a particular area of your life such as work or relationships?
  • Are you seeking an answer to a particular question?
  • Are you wondering whether you should pursue a particular course of action, such as going self-employed or buying a house?


Tarot readings are available with Helen Shortland for £25 for 35-40 mins. Your reading will begin with an opening spread giving an overview of your current situation and your immediate future.  You will then be able to ask a specific question or take a closer look into a particular area of your life. Your reading can be taped for an extra £1 or you can bring a notepad and pen to make your own notes or record on your mobile phone.

Private consultations at Thyme for Tea Cafe, 10 Trinity Walk, Nottingham city centre by appointment only.

Home visits and group bookings (max 6) in city area also available.

Helen also offers postal readings.  Please send handwritten letter with 2 questions to her at c/o Thyme for Tea, together with a cheque for £25 made payable to Helen Shortland.  Please add your email address for a reply by email or enclose a stamped addressed envelope for a postal reply.



Helen Shortland is a Holistic Therapist, Tarot Consultant Reiki Master Teacher and Meditation Teacher based in Nottingham city centre. Please ring her on 07748 591690 to book a reading or visit her website for further information.