In my healing work I have encountered just a couple of people who appear to have their higher heart chakra open but there is very little understanding about the nature and purpose of this special chakra. I have therefore done some research and found some very interesting connections between the big spiritual leap forward that so many people have made in recent years and the sense of being stuck and blocked that still holds them back in their habitual patterns of 3rd dimensional thinking.
The Higher Heart Chakra is situated between the heart chakra and throat chakra, behind the upper breastbone, and is said to vibrate at the colour turquoise (a combination of green and blue). When it is open on a higher, 5th dimensional, level it is said to vibrate at a beautiful combination of rose pink and gold. This chakra activates higher consciousness and carries a white spiritual fire which is associated with healing and grace. It is also known as the Thymic Chakra due to its associations with the thymus gland which plays an important role in the immune system.
This chakra is the source of our intent and acts as the link between the emotions of the heart and our speech. It is where the intent behind our words starts to form. It is therefore a bridge between emotion and reason. This chakra is also linked to dreaming as it connects us to our astral body. If this chakra is open, you may find you dream about someone you later meet in real life.
The Higher Heart Chakra is the doorway to our inner spiritual centre, the source of meaning and spiritual longing in life. If it is clouded or blocked, you are unable to know your purpose in life and life can appear empty and meaningless. It can open naturally through compassion and unconditional love for others and through practising non-judgement of self and others. It is the most important chakra on the path to spirituality and enlightenment. It enables us to have compassion for others, empathy and understanding our of situation. It enables us to put others first when needed and understand that such service is often necessary. On a personal level, it allows you to forgive yourself and accept your own life journey.
The Higher Heart Chakra opens the gate to Christ Consciousness. A person with this chakra open is usually engaged in some form of healing work as a means of expressing their unconditional love and compassion for others. When open, you are connected to the guidance of your Higher Self, which will always be for your highest good and at the right time.
Spiritual Function
The opening of the Higher Heart Chakra moves you from 3D to 5D awareness. You have learned your life lessons, which are always love-based in nature, and moved away from the cycle of reincarnation and the wheel of karma as this is no longer necessary to your spiritual evolution. You are now moving forward on the path of Ascension. Don't resist it and be tempted to stay stuck in 3D reality with people who no longer share your beliefs. When open, people usually feel the need to heal people and the world en-masse instead of individually as before. Ascension can be frightening, especially when you feel the need to 'move on' in some way but parts of you are still fearful and resistant. Your energy body has shifted up a gear in vibrational frequency and is now waiting for the physical body to catch up. I am recognising patterns of resistance in myself, such as indulging in low vibration, heavy food which prevents my physical and energy bodies coming into alignment and making a big leap forward and a big change in life. I guess the only solution is to let ourselves be guided by our Higher Self and have faith in our abilities to make the changes we wish to make.
Finding Balance
Open/balanced: Higher spiritual awareness; love and aspiration for the Divine; selfless love for others; ability to trust innermost feelings, take emotional risks and share feelings.
Over-active: So open to higher levels that lacks grounding on a mundane, physical level.
Closed/blocked: Fearful of and rejecting of higher spiritual realities; unable to express emotions; feels bitter and betrayed; doesn't trust self or others; weak immune system.
Methods to Open and Strengthen the Higher Heart Chakra
Kunzite - release from negative patterns of behaviour, especially addictive behaviour; helps find detachment; connects to universal love; promotes willingness to serve and tolerance of self and others.
Dioptase - promotes higher levels of consciousness; overcomes sense of lack; helps fulfil potential; can help indicate direction if you don't know what to do next.
Rose Quartz - opens chakra; promotes spiritual growth, compassion and forgiveness; promotes trust and universal love.
Pink Petalite - provides reassurance and helps remove deep-seated guilt and grief.
Foods to energise chakra
Avocado, kiwi, cucumber, courgette, marrow, kale.
A Higher Heart Chakra Essence can be bought on line (see
Natural Remedies (available from
Low energy - spirulina
Fatigue - Ginseng, valerian root
Boost immune system - Echinacea, cumin
Helen Shortland is a Spiritual Consultant, Reiki
Master Healer/Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham
city centre. Helen has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has
extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further
information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her
website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland