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Sunday, 28 August 2016

Healing Anxiety by Strengthening the Root Chakra

Around six weeks after my Faery Reiki attunement, when all the clearing had taken place, I began to be aware of definite improvements concerning issues connected to my Root Chakra. The 1st chakra, the Root or Base Chakra, concerns issues of stability, our sense of security in the physical world and sense of belonging, as well as practical matters such as work, home, finances, health and physical vitality. I realised I felt stronger, safer in myself, more confident. I realised I was no longer anxious in situations that would have made me nervous or anxious before.  “I can’t do that” had been replaced with “I can if I want to”. I had no qualms whatsoever about going off on my own exploring new places.


So, how had this actually come about you may ask? During my attunement I had been aware of energy pulsing at each chakra, clearing them out Root to Throat. Although I have done much personal healing on my own journey over the last 15 years, there were still some deep-rooted negative beliefs about myself that I had held since childhood and possibly from past lives. There had also been a spiritual crisis in 2014/early 2015 from which I was still building myself up.


The Importance of the Root Chakra in Healing


I firmly believe that all our issues stem from old hurts, pain and wounding in the Root Chakra. Good stability and a healthy emotional environment in our early childhood years are essential for forming successful relationships both within and outside the family and for healthy self-esteem. Unfortunately however most traumas start in childhood or early teens when we don’t have the emotional maturity to deal with them. So many people end up believing they are not clever enough, not pretty enough, not lovable enough, just not good enough in other words. When we don’t feel safe we form coping strategies that may help at the time but which don’t really serve us into adulthood, by which time they have become ingrained and habitual. Lots of negative emotions are tied up in these erroneous beliefs and these negative emotions cause energy blocks in the Root Chakra that alter and impede the flow of energy into this chakra. The Root Chakra is our connection to Mother Earth so, if not corrected, these impediments become blocks which limit the flow of energy we receive into the Root Chakra from the earth. This lack of connection to the earth results in us not feeling safe, secure and vital and makes us less effective in the physical world in terms of achieving our goals and dreams. We become ungrounded – we can easily ‘zone out’, live in our heads or be overwhelmed by our emotions.


What is anxiety?


The best definition I have come across for anxiety is this: Anxiety stems from being separated from your soul and your purpose. Anxiety is your body’s way of telling you that your current path is not in line with your soul path, life purpose or mission. Anxiety can be crippling; it is constant fear in over-drive. You may even have forgotten what the initial trigger or cause was but your physical response has become habitual and you are running the energy pattern of fear. I remember feeling a constant panic that time was running out and I hadn’t achieved anything like the amount of things I wanted to achieve after living so many years on the planet. When you are gripped with anxiety and panic you are not able to set goals, you don’t feel in control, you may not even know what your desires and goals are. If you ever had any, they have long since been abandoned. You have forgotten what it’s like to plan ahead and to look forward to the future.


How can we help heal anxiety?


There are many forms of energy healing that can help such as Reiki healing focussing particularly on the Root Chakra, Faery Reiki which increases your connection to the Earth or my Fairy Blessing Guided Journey where you release what is no longer serving you and request the help you need. This latter treatment also includes crystals to help unblock the Root Chakra. If you want to use crystals yourself, haematite, smoky quartz, black obsidian and red jasper work particularly well in this chakra – pop one in each trouser pocket to keep them with you all day or sit and meditate while holding a crystal on your lap.


Faery energy is particularly grounding because the fairy realm is so close to our earth plane. You can easily connect to the Fae without being attuned to Faery Reiki. To heal anxiety you must strengthen your Root Chakra so I would urge you to go outside into nature, either your garden or take a walk in a park. An area that is more wild is preferable to a perfectly manicured lawn. Sit near some plants and flowers, introduce yourself and ask the fairies to help you ground yourself and find inner peace and strength. Ask for the help (healing) you need and be open to any ideas and thoughts that come to you. You may be inspired to help the Fae in some way such as picking up rubbish in the local park. You will find sitting there surrounded by fairies and elemental energies very grounding. This is why people feel so much better after getting out in the countryside. If you are really lucky, you may sense sparkles in the air or tiny little balls of coloured light flitting around you. If you feel more uplifted and inspired afterwards, you have definitely made contact!



Helen Shortland is a Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy and Fairy Blessing Guided Journey, as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.