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Sunday, 30 April 2017

Healing Anxiety with Reiki

Anxiety is a condition that many people suffer from. It may be during a particularly traumatic, stressful period of life or it may be a more long term condition resulting from earlier long term stress or trauma. The person may or may not be aware of the underlying cause. In most cases, when we’re stressed, the body will go back to normal when the cause of stress has passed. For others, if the cause is more long term, the body becomes conditioned to be in a ‘fight or flight’ mode; in other words, in an anxious state, so that it becomes a habit. Our adrenal glands become accustomed to flooding the body with the chemicals adrenaline and cortisol, putting a long term strain on the kidneys and other body systems.

Experiences with Reiki Treatment

Recently I’ve been seeing particularly good results when treating clients suffering from anxiety with Reiki. Here are some examples:-


1.    One lady reported that she felt “lighter, like something had been lifted off” her after just her first treatment. Her partner and daughter had both noticed an improvement in her mood over the days following her treatment. This lady had experienced long term anxiety and depression. Now her sadness had lifted and her head felt “less busy”. During treatment I release heaviness around the heart chakra and energy blocks in the solar plexus representing lack of self-worth and self-belief, and gave plenty of grounding to the root chakra. Subsequent treatments are addressing the longer term, deep rooted causes of her anxiety and depression. She had a couple of treatments quite close together but is now just having subsequent treatments on a monthly basis.

2.    Another client had been experiencing anxiety with migraines for a few years when I started treating her. This lady was just about managing to cope with work with the migraines but had some deep-rooted emotional issues as well which had been suppressed long term. In her treatments I cleared the heart, solar plexus and sacral chakras and worked on the physical level of the sacral chakra (the abdomen) too. The third eye and root chakras also needed particular attention. After each treatment she reported that her anxiety levels had dropped considerably, lasting for a longer period of time after each treatment.

3.    When I worked on another client with anxiety I discovered that his solar plexus chakra was wide open and the heart and root chakras were very low in energy. I worked on the kidneys to calm them and reduce physical stress-related symptoms. An energy block was released from the back of the third eye chakra – negative thoughts are often stored here. This area should always be worked on, in addition to the solar plexus, with clients who suffer from low self-worth and hold a myriad of negative thoughts about themselves. The third eye chakra relates to perception, among other things, and how we see the world around us, what we are focusing on and where we see ourselves going. Negative thoughts can cause blockages in this chakra.

4.    Reiki can also help children to settle into a new school or help them if they’re having difficulties causing anxiety. Typically in this case you need to balance the solar plexus, heart and root chakras and release any fears/worries held in other chakras. These treatments were sent by distance healing. The children were all completely unaware that they had been sent healing but the parents noticed improvements over the next few days which enabled the children to settle into new routines.

Treating Anxiety

The main chakras to focus on is almost always the solar plexus. This relates to personal power, personal strength, self-belief, self-worth, self-esteem – how we really feel about ourselves in spite of any confident outward appearances. The solar plexus is connected to the mind/mental body which is why many people experience butterflies, nausea and IBS when they are worried about something.

The root chakra is also very important. Focusing Reiki energy here will strengthen this chakra, bringing the person’s energy down, literally bringing them out of their head (where you spend a lot of time when you have anxiety) and back down to earth. The root chakra relates to grounding and focus. When you have strong physical grounding and a strong connection to earth, you are better able to cope with things and not let them get on top of you. The adrenal glands are governed by the root chakra, so treating the root chakra also helps to calm the adrenals.

You will also need to work on the heart and sacral chakras to help clear emotional issues contributing to the anxiety, as well as the third eye chakra to calm and clear the head.

It is worth pointing out here as well that distance treatments are just as effective as hands-on treatments in cases of anxiety. This may be because you are already working on the mental level (ie. the mind) by visualising the person and the Reiki can flow more easily over this mental connection.

At the beginning of the treatment I always ask for the Reiki healing energy to flow to release the person’s anxiety, boost inner strength and self-belief, and restore peace and harmony. This sets your intention and makes it clear what you would like to happen. Energy always follows thought. You can phrase your request to suit your/your client’s needs but it will no doubt be something along these lines. You can also call upon the Angel of Healing to release and resolve the underlying causes of a person’s anxiety. This is very powerful and signals to the angelic realm that you wish to work with them. Do this regularly so they know you are sincere and I’m sure you will soon see an extra depth to your treatments.

Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. She is also currently studying Raw Food Nutrition to find out more about the healing power of natural food. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy and Fairy Blessing Guided Journey, as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.