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Sunday, 30 September 2018

Coping with Anxiety

Mental health issues now affect a significant percentage of the population, with anxiety and depression being the most common. From a personal perspective I always notice my anxiety levels go high when my subconscious is trying to tell me something I don’t really want to acknowledge. Anxiety flares up at times when I feel out of control of my life and don’t know how to deal with something. My anxiety always seems to be worse when I don’t talk about it or ask for help.

There are many what I call ‘surface issues’ which can cause an increase in anxiety. Examples include a brewing relationship problem that needs addressing, a deep desire to change career, business and money worries, inability to make progress in a particular area, buying a house and going through legal proceedings. Wherever there is an ending but no clear sign of a new beginning, uncertainty and insecurity create a breeding ground for anxiety. There are also deeper causes such as old emotional issues from the past that have not been resolved. You may also have had a serious health concern or deeply personal loss in the past, the worry from which has become habitual, especially when the issue was long term. The fear and emotions around this time need to be released now that it is passed so that you can feel safe again.

Problems arise when we suppress something rather than acknowledge and address it. We hold ourselves tense in order to hold the suppressed emotion inside. When we relax properly, the tension releases and the suppressed emotion can bubble up to the surface. I’m sure this is why many people, subconsciously, are afraid to relax. The holding onto this tension can cause many physical health conditions that we term symptoms of anxiety. These include high blood pressure, headaches, back, neck and shoulder pain, poor sleep patterns, poor digestion, fatigue and irritability.

Early Trauma

When trauma was encountered in a person’s early years, by the time they reach adulthood and middle age, it has become so deeply embedded in their subconscious mind that they may even have forgotten the original experience. The mind has a tendency to blot out bad memories as a form of protection. I have also heard that if someone goes through a deeply traumatic experience and the body is flooded with the fight or flight hormone adrenalin, we are literally prevented from absorbing the experience and there is literally no memory to recover. However, in most cases, whatever lies in the subconscious mind, known or unknown, affects our behaviour, emotions and outlook on life, often manifesting as symptoms of anxiety.

Although many of the triggers for anxiety appear to be present day, short term issues, for people suffering with constant anxiety the roots lie in deep-seated trauma of the past, for example abuse, bullying, poor parenting, separation and bereavement among others. If this trauma is not dealt with fully and appropriately at the time, it then becomes the root cause  of other mental health conditions such as depression, OCD, anorexia, bulimia, paranoia, personality disorders, PTSD, bipolar etc. I have also noticed in many cases that poor mental health leads to poor physical health including back pain, chest pain and heart conditions from tension stored in the body.

Self Help for Anxiety

Please note that I make no attempt to suggest that these ideas can heal serious mental health conditions where only medication can help. However they may help those suffering with anxiety to cope a little better.

·        Reiki healing can restore calm and balance, release tension and trauma stored in the chakras and subconscious mind. A series of treatments are recommended to treat long term conditions. When I give Reiki treatments to the service users of the Improving Lives charity, they enjoy the way their mind manages to shut off negative thoughts while they are having Reiki, bringing them much needed peace and calm.

·        A regular meditation practice to help you detach from negative, intrusive thoughts and emotions.

·        A tarot reading asking for advice on a specific issue causing you concern.

·        A Crystal Healing/Chakra Balancing treatment using crystals to relieve anxiety. I specifically recommend:-

Turquoise for panic attacks, depression and nerves.

Aquamarine for stress and grief.

Amethyst to calm the mind, relieve stress, headaches and insomnia, and aid logical decision making.

Sodalite and lapis lazuli for high blood pressure.

Sugilite to relieve headaches.

Citrine to relieve worry and address digestive problems.

Calcite to relieve emotional stress.

Rose quartz for emotional healing, self-love, and to promote forgiveness.

Green aventurine for emotional calm and wellbeing.

Amazonite to sooth emotional trauma, worry and fear

Tiger’s eye to lift depression, balance the emotions and combat addictive behaviours.

Smoky quartz to relieve depression and negativity.

Haemetite for grounding.

·        And finally, perhaps one of the best antedotes of all, love and laughter with a great bunch of friends and a loving partner!


-       Reiki healing treatments £33 for full hour or £18 for half hour session.

-       Crystal Chakra Balancing treatment  £25.

-       Tarot readings £25 for 40 mins, £15 for 20 mins.

-       I am running a Meditation for Health & Wellbeing workshop on Sat 13th October at 15 Wheeler Gate, Nottingham, 10.30am-1pm. This will look at a variety of meditation techniques for you to practice to see which works best for you.

-       Mental Health Awareness Weeks are 8-19 October 2018. For information on events in Nottingham please visit

-       I have a small supply of the leaflet for the Talking Therapies self-referral counselling service in Nottingham. If anyone would like one, please contact me.


Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Meditation Teacher, Holistic Therapist and Tarot Consultant based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy, Fairy Blessing Guided Journey and Crystal Chakra Balancing; holistic therapies including Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Hopi Ear Candles & Facials; as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses and tarot readings. She has been on the spiritual path for 18 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics, Healing & Tarot.