are they?
There are 7 major chakras - crown, 3rd
eye or brow, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root/base. Each is positioned along a central channel
called the sushumna which runs from the base chakra to the crown chakra. The base and crown chakras form our
connection to earth and spirit. The
sushumna is encircled by two energy channels called Ida and Pingala which
spiral upwards in opposite directions from the base chakra. The points where they meet along the central
channel are known as the chakras. Chakras can be
likened to multi-dimensional gateways that allow us to access different
experiences and states of consciousness.
chakra relates to a different colour, note, element, endocrine gland and auric
layer, which I will address is more detail in the next two blogs.
of the Chakras
chakras have three main functions:-
vitalise each auric body and therefore the physical body.
promote the development of different aspects of consciousness. Each chakra relates to a specific
psychological function.
transmit energy between the auric layers.
Why do
they vibrate at different frequencies?
in the universe consists of vibrations occurring at different frequencies. The colours we see all around us are
different frequencies of visible light as perceived by our physical senses and
interpreted by the brain. Beyond this
range lies ultra-violet light, radio waves and other light waves.
eastern esoteric literature, each chakra is seen as having a certain number of
petals. These appear to be small
rotating vortices spinning at very high rates.
Each vortex metabolizes an energy vibration that resonates at its
particular spin frequency. For example
the base chakra has 4 small vortices and metabolises 4 basic frequencies of
energy, vibrating at the colour red.
Four vortices is a relatively small amount of energy being metabolized
and so this chakra relates to the physical, material world and issues of
survival and security. The 3rd
eye chakra has 96 vortices and corresponds to the colour indigo. Now consider that the crown chakra has 972
vortices and vibrates at the colour violet-white. This seventh chakra metabolizes the greatest
amount of energy out of all the 7 major chakras and carries a very high
spiritual vibration.
chakras vibrate at different frequencies according to the spiritual qualities
that govern each chakra:-
chakra – security and survival – colour red
chakra – relationships with others, power and control – colour orange
plexus chakra – sense of self, self-esteem and self-worth – colour yellow
chakra – compassion, tolerance, joy and love for others – colour green or pink
chakra – self-expression and communication – colour blue
eye chakra – vision, direction, understanding and mental processes – colour
indigo or violet
chakra – sense of connection, oneness and spiritual awareness – colour violet
or white
chakra deals with particular functions but the quality of the energy in the
chakra can vary from person to person.
For example, a strong red root chakra indicates someone who is well
grounded with strong physical energy and vitality. If this chakra was dull in colour or weak, it
would indicate an imbalance in the corresponding mental/emotional qualities
such as lack of stability and financial security.
For most people the heart chakra vibrates at the
colour green but in those who have developed greater compassion and universal
love, it vibrates at the higher vibration colour pink. Similarly the crown can be violet, lavender
or white, according to the level of spiritual development of the
individual. If the higher crown chakra,
the seat of the soul, is activated, the crown area is likely to be white,
indicating a person living in line with their higher self, and living by higher
truths with a strong sense of oneness and spiritual connection to others.
further reading:-
of Light’ by Barbara Brennan
of the Spirit’ by Caroline Myss
This is the first in
a series of 3 blogs looking in detail at the human energy system. Part 2, The Chakras: Qualities,
Correspondences & Stages of Development, will be available at the beginning
of June.
Shortland is a Reiki Master Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic Therapist
based at Little London Herbal Stores on Kings Walk in Nottingham city centre. For
further information about her courses, workshops and therapies, please visit
her website at http://helenshortland.com.
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