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Friday, 29 December 2017

Reading Energy through Psychometry

Image result for psychometry
Psychometry can be described as reading or tuning into the energy imprinted in an object or place. Everything around us is made of energy – our thoughts and emotions, the air we breathe, the solid objects in our homes. Energy contains atoms vibrating at different frequency. Within atoms are electrons, at the centre of which is a nucleus. Electrons pull on the nucleus and the nucleus pulls on the electrons, providing a kind of feedback loop. Every atom, molecule, cells, organ, organism etc circulates feedback. That feedback provides a memory. Everything that exists has feedback and therefore a memory.

Atoms are in the air and space all around us. They are also in physical objects such as chairs, walls etc. When atoms are contained within physical form, they are vibrating at a denser, lower vibration. I had a very interesting experience in deep meditation several years ago. I had been meditating for well over an hour and when I had finished I could actually feel the sofa I was sitting on wobbling or vibrating as the atoms became less dense as the vibrational energy I was giving out was lifting into a higher frequency.

Atoms are being exchanged between people and environments all the time through the simple act of breathing in oxygen which contains atoms which have their own memory. We are constantly breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide. This acts as an exchange of energy and information, ie. providing feedback.

Sacred places such as circles of standing stones or pyramids are often said to give off a certain energy which can be felt by those who are sensitive. These structures act like tuning forks. All the atoms in the structure are vibrating, both extending energy and information into the space around them and receiving energy and information back. Stones and crystals can also be consciously programmed with information or healing power by thought (intention). Energy follows thought.

Psychometry can therefore be better described as retrieving the information or memory held within the atoms that make up a physical object. When practicing psychometry we usually hold a person’s watch, ring, bracelet or keys. You can use any object that has been kept within a person’s presence which contains that person’s energy. Usually the first impressions you receive are emotional relating to how the person has been feeling lately. Then you may receive images or impressions. If you are practicing on an ornament that is usually kept in one particular room, it is possible to receive images of that room or of an event that occurred within the room.

When practicing psychometry on a personal object or in a particular place you are actually reading the memory or imprint absorbed by the object. This is why some psychics and mediums can ‘know’ that something terrible has happened in a certain location. This information can come as a vision, sound, feeling or just a sense of knowing. I remember distinctly hearing the sound of monks singing in the ruins of Whitby Abbey many years ago. Another time on a trip up to Scotland I had a vision of a battle between English soldiers in red uniforms and an unfortunate looking band of Scottish peasants. The majority of atoms in our world have been around for millions and billions of years so the past is always accessible or present within the present. Seeing a vision with psychometry is like seeing a movie of the past for maybe just a few seconds.

The best way to heighten your psychic senses to enable you to read objects or places is first and foremost to have a regular meditation practice. This really is the basis for any kind of psychic work. You have to learn to calm the mind so that you can reach the stillness behind the chatter which enables you to receive impressions from your higher mind, guides and energy itself. I would also suggest raising your vibration by filling your energy body with white light on a daily basis, ideally at the end of your meditation practice.

If you would like to practice psychometry and other intuitive practices, I am running a Developing Intuition workshop on Sat 20th January at 2pm-4.45pm, £20. Numbers are limited so please contact me ASAP on 07748 591690 or email

Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy, Fairy Blessing Guided Journey and Crystal Chakra Balancing; holistic therapies including Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Back Massage, Hopi Ear Candles & Facials; as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 17 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Healing.


Monday, 27 November 2017

Give the Mind a Rest!


Many of us are cursed with mental chatter that constantly tells us what we should be doing, what we should be thinking and commenting on everything we’re doing. Our minds can be so busy that we end up living in our heads and not accomplishing much in our physical day to day lives. We end up going round and round in circles, distracted and finding it hard to concentrate on what we want to do. In addition, most people today are so busy always rushing around trying to fit more and more into an already busy schedule that it is hard to literally find the time to stop and take a break from it all.

Our bodies are always sending us signals (a form of bio-feedback) that tell us we need to slow down and relax. These can be mental, emotional or physical and can manifest as stress, anxiety or aches and pains such as headaches and back ache. However, since we are so involved in the things that are external to us, we may easily overlook what is really going on inside. It is during these times that we need to step back from the things that occupy our minds and take time out to connect with our inner self, giving our mind, body and soul the time they need to re-energize and heal.

Initially the idea of taking a break may sound counter-productive. “How can I take a break when I’ve got so much to do?” we ask. In reality however a period of rest during which the mind is focused elsewhere enables you to come back to your daily life refreshed and with new perspective. Spend time walking outside, ideally in a park or wood, to really feel grounded. I always find trees are an amazing source of strength. Since they are so old and timeless they really put my worries into perspective because most of what we worry about this week won’t be an issue next week or the week after. An exercise class also helps you switch off the mind, as does meeting up with good friends who may be able to offer a different view point. Having a good laugh with friends always diffuses tension and stress.
A mindfulness form of meditation or simply tuning into the rise and fall of the breath also enables you to let go of worries. This act brings your focus back to the things that are truly essential, such as your sense of oneness with the universe and your inner peace and well-being. As you begin to get in touch with this part of yourself, you will find that your usual everyday troubles and worries become less important and you feel more capable of dealing with potential stressors. There is a very well-known piece of advice given to people who say they don’t have time to meditate – “The less time you have to meditate, the more you need to make time to meditate”. Just five minutes a day on the bus into work can help you detach from the mental chatter and think more clearly.

Giving yourself respite from your daily concerns is like giving a gift to yourself - one that is far more worthwhile than reaching for a glass of wine or a bar of chocolate! By stepping away from the problems that seem to saturate your thoughts, you lessen the weight of your troubles and instead become more receptive to the wisdom and answers the universe has to offer.

“Sometimes finding the answer is as easy as taking a break and stepping back from the situation.

Madisyn Taylor


Helen is running a Meditation for Health and Wellbeing workshop on Sat 2nd December  2017 at 15 Wheeler Gate, Nottingham. Just 1 place remains available. Please tel/text 07748 591690 if you would like to attend.

Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy, Fairy Blessing Guided Journey and Crystal Chakra Balancing; holistic therapies including Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Back Massage, Hopi Ear Candles & Facials; as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 17 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Healing.

Monday, 6 November 2017

One Step Forward, One Step Back

When you are developing yourself spiritually, either as a healer, meditator or developing your psychic/mediumistic gifts, it can often feel like you are taking two steps forward and one step back. You will have great days when you feel really positive and other days when your mood drops very low and you feel you are struggling to make progress. There are a few reasons for this which I would like to share with you.
Firstly, the more you open yourself up to spiritual energies, the more sensitive you become to all energies. These energies come from the people around you, situations you find yourself dealing with, the place/environment you are in, as well as the cosmic/astrological influences of full moons, equinoxes, eclipses etc.  Another important explanation for the feeling of moving forward one minute then back another is that adjustments are taking place in your energy body which you need to allow time to settle. By receiving energy attunements or opening yourself up spiritually, your energy body is expanding but it will happen at a pace which is not too much too soon so that your energy body can cope with the changes. Your own guides will oversee this process.
So if, like me, you have been feeling lately like you were making great progress one minute then plunged back down to where you used to be and thought you’d left behind the next, here is a message from my guides that you may find helpful:
Communicate with us and fill yourself with the light of your soul. This is the light you seek. You yearn to rest in the light of your soul at all times as this light can indeed feel like a ‘high’ and indeed is a high vibrational rate. The physical world can seem so dense and dark in comparison. The darkness you fear is the separation from your soul. You must channel the light from your soul on a daily basis to find the peace and strength you need to guide you through the changes that will soon become apparent in the physical world. You have also been feeling down lately as the increased light you are now holding has shed light on unresolved issues in your energy body. Keep channelling the light and this will pass. Being aware of this process helps you to cope and deal with fluctuating moods.

We from the realms of light bring you our wisdom and blessings at this time.
A good spiritual practice to adopt is to cleanse your chakras with white light, then raise your light quotient (personal vibration). Begin by asking your guides to send down a beam of pure white light down your central chakra column, entering your crown chakra and flowing out through your root chakra and into the earth. Now ask them to send down a ball of pure white light and bring this into your heart chakra. Be in your heart space now and fill it with the pure white light. As you breathe out, expand this ball of white light out all around you to fill the 7 levels of your being. Meditate on this white light as long as you wish. This will keep your vibrational rate high and act as a form of psychic protection, protecting you from lower energies.

Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy, Fairy Blessing Guided Journey and Crystal Chakra Balancing; holistic therapies including Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Back Massage, Hopi Ear Candles & Facials; as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Healing.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Attracting Clients with Similar Issues

When you are working as a healer, you will find that you often attract clients who are dealing with similar life challenges as yourself or suffering from physical, emotional or mental health conditions that mirror your own. I have discovered there are several reasons for this:-


1.    The universe is showing you, through other people, what you need to work on in yourself. If you attract clients with stress or anxiety, your own stress/anxiety levels may need to be addressed. Equally you may attract clients with depression or digestive disorders for the same reasons. If you attract clients suffering from physical pain, you may have your own pain to deal with. (In my treatments I usually open up the aura to release areas of pain using an advanced healing technique taught at Master Healer Level but I have also had great results incorporating smoky quartz crystal over areas of physical pain. This crystal draws out all negative energy, including both the physical pain and any underlying mental/emotional issues that are contributing to the pain. Always remember to cleanse and reprogram crystals after use.)


2.    Giving a Reiki treatment to a client with the same issue as yourself gives you an opportunity to heal and clear this issue for the both of you. During a treatment your energy field merges with that of the client and the healing energy works on both of you at the same time.


3.    Finally this may also be highlighting a particular energy pattern (for example anxiety) that you have carried in the past and which you have subsequently cleared and resolved in yourself. You are now able to help the client release that particular energy pattern more quickly.

Mirroring Effect

This mirroring effect is just one aspect of the Law of Attraction. We are all connected and we are constantly reflecting back to each other aspects of our own behaviour and thought patterns. The people around you who you find particularly challenging are reflecting back to you your own unresolved issues which need addressing and healing. For example you may have “friends” who constantly undermine you and make you feel worthless. Your challenge is to stand up and address this, either removing them from your life or establishing new ground rules. Another example is the person who spends a considerable amount of their time caring for others, pushing themselves to the point of exhaustion. The challenge in this case is to find and implement a more workable solution requesting support from family and friends, pushing for care packages from the Local Authority where needed or, in some cases, where appropriate, just stepping back and letting others step in.
On the other hand there will be other people in your life whose company you find uplifting, supportive and enjoyable. These people reflect back to you areas of your life which are working well, such as family life or friendships.

Importance of Self-Healing
When you start your Reiki journey, the focus at Level 1 is on self-healing. The reason for this is that you need to be as clear a channel as possible so that your energy is as strong as possible before you start healing others. The phrase ‘as clear a channel as possible’ implies that you are working on clearing energy blocks (your own spiritual/mental/emotional issues) in your chakra system through the practice of self-healing. As a healer you should ideally make time to do self-healing at least once a week, more often if you have specific health concerns.
When your energy body is clear you will find that energy blocks and associated issues in your clients are released and cleared more quickly. During a healing session the client’s energy vibration is raised to become more in line with yours, like two tuning forks sharing the same resonance. This process is known as entrainment. You may be able to recall occasions when people in low energy and mood have brought your own energy down to match theirs and other times when people in a great mood have uplifted you and filled you with their positivity. You are affected by other people’s energy far more than you probably realise so it is well worth considering some psychic protection techniques to protect your energy body and avoid it being depleted.

By now you can no doubt see the importance of being in a good place vibrationally yourself. Self-healing and other spiritual practices like meditation should be done on a regular basis. You can also cleanse your aura with the Violet Flame after each client or at the end of each day – just call on Archangel Zadkiel or St Germain to cleanse your energy field with the Violet Flame and visualise it cleansing your aura (energy field), transmuting all negative energy into light. You could also carry smoky quartz crystals in your pockets to soak up negative energy and visualise yourself in a golden or blue bubble of light to protect your energy levels in everyday situations.
Regular good practice will ensure that you will be the best healing channel you can be and your positive, high vibration will attract people to you. Subconsciously or intuitively they know they will benefit from being both in your energy and the Reiki healing energy.

Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy, Fairy Blessing Guided Journey and Crystal Chakra Balancing; holistic therapies including Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Back Massage, Hopi Ear Candles & Facials; as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Healing.

Monday, 21 August 2017

The Healing Power of Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is widely used today to help heal all kinds of emotional issues and may have been used as a love token as early as 600BC. Throughout history it has also been used to improve skin tone and improve wellbeing. It was prized in the ancient world for its powers of beautification. Facial masks of rose quartz have been recovered from Egyptian tombs. The Egyptian Goddess Isis supposedly rubbed rose quartz crystals on her face to keep looking beautiful. Rose quartz is honoured by Tibetan and Oriental cultures and is still one of the main carving stones used in China today. In the Indian Ayurvedic tradition warmed rose quartz crystals massaged on the skin are said to restore the body’s energy centres.

Benefits of Rose Quartz


Rose quartz strengthens the physical heart and circulatory system. It helps with chest and lung problems including shortage of breath. It heals the kidneys and adrenals, alleviates vertigo and is said to increase fertility. It can help with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and senile dementia. On the skin it smoothes the complexion and soothes burns and blisters.


Rose quartz is excellent for all kinds of emotional healing. It is calming, comforting and reassuring and is excellent for use in cases of trauma and crisis. It releases unexpressed emotions, heartache and transmutes old emotional conditioning/behaviour patterns that no long serve. It soothes internalised pain and heals deprivation. It draws off negative energy and replaces with loving vibes. It strengthens sensitivity and empathy and is excellent for mid-life crisis as it aids acceptance of change. Rose quartz dissolves love blockages and opens your heart so you become more receptive to love. Rose quartz can help attract love: place by your bed or in the relationship corner of your home. In an existing relationship it can restore trust and harmony and encourage unconditional love. If you have lost love, it comforts your grief. It teaches you how to love yourself which is vital if you think you are unlovable. It encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance and promotes self-trust and self-worth. It brings compassion, love and balances the emotions.


Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It purifies and open the heart at all levels, bringing deep inner soul healing and self-love.

How to Use

Traditionally rose quartz has been used to treat emotional issues connected to the heart. Before use the stone should be cleansed/cleared in running water, ideally pure. You can also bury it in the earth or in sand or leave out on a windowsill in moonlight or sunlight. You can then program the crystal for your specific purpose, such as to attract love or heal a broken heart, by surrounding the crystal with pure white light, giving it Reiki if you do this and stating your intention.

Many people like to wear rose quartz as a pendant, some stuff a small piece in their bra and some put a tumblestone in their pocket. Try holding a piece to your heart chakra when you’re watching TV. You can also meditate upon the crystal by observing it closely and letting any feelings arise within you that may need releasing and healing. Visualise loving pink waves of energy flowing into your heart chakra.

Try for Yourself

If you would like to experience the wonderful healing energy of rose quartz for yourself, I offer a half hour Crystal Healing/Chakra Balancing treatment for £22 where crystals are place on the chakras to bring each one back into balance. Reiki is incorporated into the treatment where needed. For clients who need a more emotional healing (those suffering from loss, bereavement, grief, low self-esteem, negative self- thoughts and lack of love in life for example), rose quartz crystals can be placed on all chakras to fill the client with the energy of love, support and nurturing. With its strong association with love and emotional healing, I always feel that rose quartz is one of the crystals which carry an angelic vibration.

You may also like to try my new Rose Quartz Facial which is available on introductory offer of £30 in September 2017. This treatment combines the healing power of rose quartz crystals with the benefits of a traditional facial. Rose scented skincare products are used including a facial massage with rosa mosqueta oil. A large rose quartz crystal is placed on the heart chakra, smaller crystals placed at the crown and solar plexus and the client is given palm stones to hold during the treatment. The facial massage is performed using rose quartz wands, focussing on the acupressure points on the face. Rose quartz facial wands stimulate cell renewal, improve moisture levels and boost circulation.

Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy, Fairy Blessing Guided Journey and Crystal Chakra Balancing; holistic therapies including Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Back Massage, Hopi Ear Candles & Facials; as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.

Sunday, 30 July 2017

Natural Ways to Relieve Pain

Many people suffer from physical pain on a daily basis. In fact it is stated that nearly half of all adults in the UK are affected by some kind of pain. Growing numbers of people are therefore relying on over-the-counter and prescription drugs but many of these drugs can cause more harm than good. They may relieve the original pain experienced but some, like ibruprofen, can cause gastric problems, while others can cause nausea and drowsiness. These drugs are very powerful and can cause problems in the liver which has to process and break-down these chemical concoctions. Another issue with prescription drugs of course is that they only deal with the symptoms rather than addressing the root cause of the pain. Drugs dampen pain signals to the brain, which can help as an initial first aid to keep you going, but ultimately you may cause more damage to a joint or other part of the body by ignoring what is actually going on and why.

Various holistic approaches are available which can support the body through the healing process and which may even be more effective. Natural pain relief is also free from any harmful side-effects experienced with prescription drugs. Herbal remedies, correct nutrition and complementary therapies can all provide effective pain relief. Mindfulness and visualisation have also shown to be effective and meditation is now offered in NHS pain relief clinics.

If you are one of the many people in need of pain relief, this blog contains some natural methods which can be used to treat common complaints.

Complementary Therapies
Reiki and Reflexology are particularly good for easing pain, unblocking energy channels and helping the body to heal itself. I have a couple of clients who come to me on a monthly basis for Reiki to ease diabetic leg pain and many more clients who use Reiki to ease back pain and tension in the neck and shoulders. Lower back pain can be a result of unresolved painful emotions stored in the rear of the sacral chakra. Reiki can help release these emotions which act as an energy block and prevent your natural life force energy flowing as it should. This then relieves the physical discomfort caused by the emotional block. Clients usually notice an improvement over the next few days. Relief lasts longer the more treatments the client has.

Reflexology works on specific reflex points on the foot to ease pain, illness or discomfort in the physical body. The therapist can massage the reflex points relating to the painful body part, such as the digestive system, shoulders, neck, knees or spine. You can also ask your Reflexologist to show you the reflex points so that you can massage them yourself at home.
An Indian Head Massage is particularly effective for easing neck and shoulder pain and general back pain can be eased with a Back Massage. Your therapist can work on areas of knotty muscle fibres and tension to help tight muscles relax back into their proper place.

Other therapies that can ease pain include acupuncture, acupressure, cupping and gentle yoga.



Toxins accumulate in joints and are usually a build-up of lactic acid. An anti-inflammatory diet is one of the most effective ways of tackling pain from the inside. This diet excludes processed foods, refined sugar, caffeine and alcohol.

Rheumatoid Arthritis often afflicts the small joints in the hands and feet as well as knees, elbows and larger joints. It is characterised by pain and swelling (inflammation), often with fluid build-up in the ankles or behind the knees. The best anti-inflammatories to use to alleviate pain are curcumin (a component of turmeric) and nettle leaf. Osteo-arthritis is a degenerative joint disease which affects the knees, hips, back and small joints in the fingers.

The best healing foods for joint inflammation are kiwis, kale, onion, turmeric, chaga mushroom (as a powder), coriander, lemon, cucumber and apple cider vinegar. Salmon is high in protein to build healthy connective tissue and is also high in anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids. Ginger contains zingibain which suppresses substances that trigger pain and cause tissues to swell. You may also like to consider cutting back on dairy as dairy clogs up the liver which prevents toxins leaving the body efficiently.


These are defined as recurring headaches that cause pulsing or throbbing, typically focused on one side of the head. They are often accompanied by extreme sensitivity to light, sound and/or smell, blurred vision, flashes of light, nausea, light-headedness, even difficulty speaking. Triggers are complex and are usually a combination of stress, food intolerance, impeded cervical nerves from poor posture, sinus infection, dehydration, hormonal/menstrual cycle imbalances, lack of sleep, heavy metal or other environmental triggers.

To tackle migraines it is advisable to reduce potential triggers such as dairy, eggs, gluten, meat, fermented foods, additives like MSG and aspartame, alcohol and chocolate.

The best foods to eat to combat migraines are celery juice, coriander, papaya, chilli peppers, garlic, ginger, kale, cinnamon and apples.

Shingles and Diabetic Neuropathy

To combat pain of this nature it is advisable to boost the immune system by eating well, exercising and getting enough sleep. Beneficial foods are wild blueberries, coconut, papaya, red skinned apples, pears, artichokes, bananas, sweet potatoes, spinach, asparagus, lettuce, green beans and avocadoes.

Herbal Remedies

For general pain relief the following two products are recommended by the very knowledgeable staff at Little London Herbal Stores in Nottingham:-

White willow bark – Good for back pain, headaches, knee and other joint pain. This product is the natural source of aspirin so is not suitable for those on blood thinning medication. Available in tincture, extract or supplement form.

Cannabis oil – Cannabidiol or CBD for short is a nutrient found in the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa, which is now being used medicinally for the treatment of pain and many illnesses. Cannabidiol binds to certain receptors on our cells in the central nervous system to reduce the pain response in the physical body. Derived from only the legal forms of the cannabis/hemp plant, this product (CBD Cannabis Oil) is non-psychoactive so you will not be high or stoned. Cannabis oil has proved to be particularly effective in treating fibromyalgia pain. You put a few drops under your tongue where it will be absorbed into the body and blood stream via the mucous membranes. Little London Herbal Stores sell both the cannabis oil and a cannabis vape.


Feverfew tincture is particularly good for treating migraines and headaches. You can take up to 15 drops in a small amount of water up to 3 times a day. Magnesium is an excellent muscle relaxant which reduces tension in and around the trigeminal nerves in the neck and head.

Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties and is good for calming the gut but it can also be used to treat headaches and migraines. The scent of aloe vera acts as a muscle relaxant and eases tension. Rub a small amount into your neck to ease tension here. Tiger Balm, a Chinese ointment, was traditionally used to ease sore, aching muscles. It contains natural painkillers menthol and camphor oil. Try rubbing a little Tiger Balm red ointment on forehead and temples in a circular motion to ease headaches.

Joint Pain

Green tea extract controls inflammation and helps repair bone and cartilage by blocking inflammatory proteins that cause swelling. In a trial of osteoarthritis sufferers in Iran, the patients taking green tea extract reported more movement in their joints after a month. Rosehip capsules have excellent anti-inflammatory properties and are recommended by the Primary Care Rheumatology Society for treating osteoarthritis. Glucosamine helps with the repair of cartilage that cushions the joints so can help reduce the pain, stiffness and swelling of arthritis.

Period Pain

Pine Bark or Pycnogenol had been found to reduce abdominal discomfort by 80% and cramping by 70%.

Other herbs with pain relief properties:-

Arnica (for bruises, post surgery and post labour), bromelain (reduces inflammation and eases arthritis); cayenne and red chilli pepper (eases nerve pain and soothes aching muscles and joints), chamomile (anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic), clove oil (aching teeth and gums), curcumin (found in turmeric, eases arthritis pain).



1.    Reiki healing, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage and Back Massage are available with Helen Shortland at 15 Wheeler Gate, Nottingham.

2.    All herbal remedies mentioned in this article are available from Little London Herbal Stores, 9 Trinity Walk, Nottingham.


Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. She is currently studying Raw Food Nutrition to find out more about the healing power of natural food. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy, Fairy Blessing Guided Journey and Crystal Chakra Balancing; holistic therapies including Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Back Massage, Hopi Ear Candles & Facials; as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.


Sunday, 25 June 2017

What Are Energy Blocks?

In healing we often talk about blocked chakras or negative energy build-up in our energy field but what are energy blocks exactly?

In simplest terms, an energy block is a form of resistance. They are pockets of stuck energy that limit the natural movement and flow of energy in and out the chakras which prevent us from living as authentically as we should and achieving our greatest potential. Energy blocks can develop from a negative mental pattern or belief system leading to perceptual misunderstandings; unresolved emotions from pain/trauma in our early years; a negative karmic imprint carried over from a past life; or from a physical injury or condition.

Energy blocks act as barriers to the natural free-flow of energy. On the mental level barriers are created by negative beliefs about ourselves, others and the world in general. These beliefs tend to form when our minds are young and impressionable and lacked the mature reasoning to examine them properly. Over the years this negative thinking distorts our perceptions of the world around us so that we only see the negative things which affirm our beliefs. More and more often in my Reiki treatments these days I am finding the healing energy clearing out the third eye chakra (which governs perception) to release the negative perceptions the client holds. We always have a choice in how we perceive something – negatively, which only hurts and limits us more, in a detached neutral manner or with an open positive outlook.

Emotional blocks are formed when we hold onto a lot of unresolved emotions from the past. Often we suppress or deny how we feel on a conscious level but the hurt and pain is still present in the subconscious mind where it quietly affects our behaviour and expectations. Feelings of unworthiness block our ability to receive and manifest good things, often because we are afraid to trust again. These blocks are often related to self-protection: shutting down emotionally may have helped you cope at one time but now they no longer serve you and are shutting you off from the good as well as the bad.  Emotional blocks are held mainly in the heart, solar plexus and sacral chakras.

Spiritual blocks can manifest as a sense of unease, restlessness or frustration. You may feel you are on the wrong path in life or made a wrong decision in the past and are now faced with the task of getting your life back on track. You want your life to be more aligned to what is right for your soul. Spiritual blocks can often result from negative karmic imprints carried over from a past life which you need to clear in this one. Even if you don’t believe in the concept of past lives, I think the idea that there are certain ‘stories’ or energy patterns imprinted on each of us at a soul level are acceptable and understandable  to most people.

All of these spiritual, mental and emotional bocks lead to a weakened energy flow in and out of the physical body. Negative thinking and emotional wounding result in our energy no longer vibrating at the correct frequency. This leads to weakness, dis-ease and eventually illness at the physical level. Accidents, injuries and surgery to the physical body can also create a build-up of blocked energy on the physical level. Therapies such as Reiki or Acupuncture can usually help in these cases.

Sense of Disconnection

The spiritual, mental and emotional energy blocks arise when we feel cut off from the source of Love – our higher self, soul or our concept of God. Blocks act as barriers to the feeling of connection to Love and to our essential Self. Blocks limit our sense of wholeness and connection. Blocks are formed when we feel disconnected and equally, when formed, often serve to prevent us from realising that sense of connection again. It therefore becomes a self-perpetuating cycle.

In order to fully achieve our highest potential for health and wellbeing and to realise our soul path and the work we are meant to be doing in this lifetime, it is essential to work on releasing our blocks and shifting these stubborn barriers. The only thing that can dissolve these blocks is Love, or more accurately I believe Light, in the form of healing energy and all the understanding, awareness and forgiveness that Light brings. It is literally like shedding light on a situation. Love is the Light of God, that divine healing energy that dispels the darkness of our limiting self-imposed barriers.

Self-Help for Emotional Blocks

We can consciously breathe out emotional pain by breathing in through the nose into the stomach and abdomen, then consciously breathing out emotional hurts and negativity through the mouth. These areas are governed by the solar plexus and sacral chakras which govern self-worth and emotions respectively.

Then imagine your crown chakra opening up like a white lotus flower in full bloom and visualise a beam of pure white light coming down from the heavens into your crown chakra. As you inhale draw the white light down into your stomach/abdomen and as you exhale let the white light fill your whole body.

Therapeutic Help

A healing treatment such as Reiki or Angelic Reiki which channels energy as light can help to dissolve blocks and barriers. In Angelic Reiki the healer is often aware of repeating negative karmic cycles the client is experiencing and calls on the angels to release these. Past Life Regression, shamanic healing, crystal healing or many of the other forms of energy healing available today can also help shift blocks.

Setting Yourself Free

When you start to release some of the pain, negativity or darkness and let in more light, great shifts can take place. Situations and comments that would have upset you in the past will have less of an impact. By releasing past hurt, you become stronger. As you move away from your wounded ego with its outdated negative beliefs about yourself, you start to become more open to trusting, loving, experiencing – to Life itself.

Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy and Fairy Blessing Guided Journey, as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.

Monday, 29 May 2017

Rehydrate Naturally

Dehydration is defined as being the state when the body doesn’t have as much water as it needs; in other words your body is losing more fluids than it takes in. Without enough fluids, the body cannot function properly.

Dehydration is caused by excess sweating, insufficient fluid intake and excessive heat. Fluid is also lost through diarrhoea, vomiting and excess urination. If you are diabetic or drink a lot of alcohol, you can dehydrate much more easily. In addition to losing water, when dehydrated the body also loses salt and sugar. To help restore salt and sugar levels you should drink water, fruit juice or squash and salty things like soup.

Symptoms of dehydration include excess thirst, dark yellow or strong smelling wee, feeling dizzy or light-headed, tiredness, dry mouth/lips/eyes, weeing little (less than 4 times a day), headaches and muscle cramps.  Long term results of dehydration are diuretic conditions (eg. urinary tract infections) and severe edema.

Dehydration occurs due to a low number of electrolytes and mineral salts in the bloodstream and nervous system. Water and other beverages on their own often aren’t enough to combat dehydration on their own. You should replenish properly by drinking something with the right balance of sodium, potassium and glucose (such as celery and apple or celery and cucumber juice) to replenish electrolytes. Mineral salts keep the kidneys and adrenals functioning properly: this is why we often get swollen ankles when we are low in mineral salts. When dehydrated the body retains what little fluid it has. Mineral salts regulate body temperature – they prevent you from over-heating as well as getting too cold. It is essential therefore to stay hydrated in hot weather so that you don’t overheat.

In hot weather we should all increase the amount of water, fruit, veg and salt we consume. All fruit and veg have a high water content but the following ones are particularly beneficial:-

Celery - Provides mineral salts to the central nervous system; strengthens the digestive system and provides a fantastic health boost.

Cucumber – Strengthens kidneys and adrenals; cooling effect; reduces bloat, hydrates at deepest cellular level possible.

Melon (especially Watermelon) – The water in melon in nearly identical to our blood and provides an abundance of sodium, potassium and glucose; one of the most hydrating foods.

Coconut Water – Supports neurotransmitters; high in electrolytes and trace minerals.

Lemons and Limes – Great source of mineral salts and trace mineral salts so ultra-hydrating and electrolyte producing. Great for thirst, dry mouth, headaches, fluid retention and blood sugar imbalances. Drink lemon or lime water first thing in the morning.

Here are some simple recipes for you to try!

Celery and Cucumber Juice

In a blender blend 4 sticks celery, ½  a large cucumber and 1 cup water.

In a juicer juice 4 sticks celery and 1 large cucumber.

Celery and Apple Juice

In a blender blend 4 sticks celery, 1 chopped apple and 1 cup water.

In a juicer juice 4 sticks celery and 1 sliced apple.

Watermelon Salad

4 cups diced watermelon

Juice from 1 lime

1 handful finely chopped mint leaves

Put the watermelon in a serving bowl. Squeeze lime juice over and sprinkle with mint leaves. (You can also add small chunks of feta cheese to make it more of a lunch dish.)


Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. She is  currently studying Raw Food Nutrition to find out more about the healing power of natural food. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy and Fairy Blessing Guided Journey, as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.