people have now begun their healing journey by taking responsibility for their
health and wellbeing and are consciously working to let go of the hurt, pain,
negativity and darkness they have been carrying in their energy body resulting
from emotional trauma in their present life and from past lives. Every time you
let go of a little more pain and darkness, you allow space for more light to
enter. The greater the amount of light you hold, the higher your personal
can recognise those who are still working through the process of releasing
their negativity. They seem to be stuck in, and repeating, dramas in their daily
life. At this stage they have no concept of repeating karmic cycles, how to
stop them and set themselves free. This is known as being in third dimensional
reality – a belief that the here and now day to day reality is all there is.
These people will keep attracting the same bad relationships or have the same
thing constantly going wrong at work even if they change their job.
we adopt a higher fourth dimensional perspective, however, we would understand
that these repeating negative karmic patterns are actually a gift from the
universe because every time they arise, they present us with another
opportunity to clear the karmic pattern and stop it repeating. As soon as you
adopt a different approach, the cycle is broken and we are set free. The ideal
approach is always based on love, kindness and compassion – and that must be
for ourselves as well as others. Often it is a case of having enough love and
compassion for yourself to know that you deserve better. We must take
responsibility for ourselves and choose the path of peace and love, having
faith in ourselves to deal with whatever it is we are facing.
people can extend love and compassion to others, especially family, friends and
partners, but struggle to give that to themselves, maybe due to low self-esteem
or self-worth. Other times we need to stop blaming others and accept that it is
us that needs to change. Adopting a new approach with a repeating pattern and
choosing peace and love enables us to move out of the fear-based ego of the
solar plexus and into the heart, where true soul healing occurs. Once you have
moved into the heart, you can see life from a higher perspective. Living life
from the heart moves you into the fourth dimension and is a massive step on the
ascension journey.
and more people are now living from the heart, at least most of the time, and
more and more people worldwide are developing a social conscience. Many are
involved in humanitarian causes, helping others such as the homeless and people
in recovery, and healing themselves, others and animals through a wide variety
of healing therapies.
know that your energy vibration is more aligned to the fourth dimension when
you realise that you are manifesting more quickly. This happens naturally as
you release more negativity/darkness from your energy body that usually hinders
this process. This is why some people struggle with manifesting – part of you
is trying to manifest something good with positive thinking, visualisation and
affirmations, but another part of you is resisting the change, telling you that
you don’t really deserve something better or that you don’t really want it
because of fear of what change would actually bring. In the fourth dimension
our thoughts, words and actions are reflected back to us very quickly so you
should always be mindful of what you are thinking and doing. There is a
wonderful saying: “Energy flows where attention goes.”
negativity does arise, be aware of what is being presented to you and why.
Recognise that this is a part of you that is resisting growth, change and
moving forward. Recognise that this is a part of you that needs healing.
Spiritual Practices to Aid
Gratitude: Feeling grateful for the things you do have
is one of the most powerful ways to attract more things to be grateful for. You
can feel grateful for supportive friends, good health, a nice home, a beautiful
flower, a sunny day etc. Find something in your life that you feel gratitude
for, even if it is just one thing, focus on that and the universe will bring
you more opportunities to feel gratitude. Gratitude is therefore an abundance
tool. Be grateful for all you have and more will flow to you. Joy and delight
are also forms of gratitude. The more thankful you are, the more good things
will be showered upon you. If you have difficulty feeling gratitude and genuine
appreciation, call upon Archangel Chamuel to expand your heart and Archangel
Gabriel to raise the frequency of your base and sacral chakras so you feel more
safe, secure and trusting.
Blessing: Like gratitude, blessing also carries a high vibration
energy. When you bless someone, genuinely wishing them well, you open your
heart to them and the energy of love flows. Energetically this helps dissolve
any hurt and pain within the receiver. The ability to bless someone who has
hurt you or your loved ones means that you have mastered your ego and is a
massive step on the ascension path.
Forgiveness: When you genuinely, open-heartedly forgive
someone who has hurt or harmed you or a loved one, a huge energetic shift takes
place. The energy you have sent out dissolves not just your pain but also the
effects of the negative (third dimensional) energies in the other person. You
set yourself free from hurt and allow the other person the opportunity to
change their own behaviour. Often it is very hard to forgive because the suffering
runs very deep but holding onto painful emotions distorts energy flow in our
chakra system which leads to dis-ease and only hurts ourselves.
and Kindness:
Practising love and kindness on a daily basis is a surefire way to
ascend and is indicative of someone truly living from the heart. These people
may not have much materially but they generously and joyfully share what they
do have without expecting reward. They may give their time rather than money.
They selflessly serve those less fortunate and believe that everyone deserves
to be loved and cared for. Qualities to cultivate as a foundation for the path
of love and kindness are courtesy, warmth, compassion, empathy, listening from
the heart, graciousness, generosity, openness and trust. All are based on love
and abundance consciousness.
Acceptance: This can be defined as recognising and
accommodating others exactly as they are without judgement or expectation. When
we are accepted, we feel valued and therefore safe to be open about ourselves.
When we accept others as they are, we extend this energy of feeling valued and
safe to them.
Harmlessness: When we are completely at peace within
ourselves, we radiate the energy of harmlessness. Every person or creature we
meet senses it and feels safe with us.
Vibration Diet: As
part of the ascension or healing process, you may well be prompted to improve
your diet and choose foods with a higher vibration such as fruit, veg, nuts and
seeds and reduce or eliminate foods with a dense, heavy vibration such as
processed foods, fatty/sugary foods and meat products. As part of the practice
of harmlessness, many people decide to adopt a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.
As well as improving digestive disorders and various other physical ailments,
this diet will literally help you feel lighter, cleaner, more clear headed and
more energised. Eating foods of a higher
vibration means that this is the energy vibration you are absorbing from the
fuel you give your body. You will start to energetically vibrate at a higher
frequency so that you more readily resonate with the energies of the fourth
[I will be writing more about Spiritual
Eating in my next blog in April.]
Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic
Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers
several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel
Therapy and Fairy Blessing Guided Journey, as well as Usui Reiki and Faery
Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has
extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further
information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her
website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland
Holistics & Enchantment.
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