Reiki and crystal healing are two separate healing modalities which are being brought together in one treatment more and more often nowadays. Both are based on energy, or vibration, and are therefore very complementary and compatible. While Reiki is the channelling of universal life force energy, crystals grow in rocks in the ground and are filled with life force energy. Crystals have their own individual crystalline structure and each chemical compound in the crystal gives it both its physical and metaphysical properties. Metaphysical properties usually correspond with colour and shape, for example heart chakra crystals are usually green and pink, third eye crystals are violet/purple.
vibrate at a certain frequency based on their physical chemical structure and
on their own subtle energy or life force. When we carry crystals with us or lay
them on various parts of the body, the vibrations of the crystals are
assimilated by and transferred to the user/wearer, bringing about healing,
balance or new, greater awareness. Everyone and everything is made up of energy
(vibration). During crystal healing we absorb and are affected by the energy of
the crystals.
and crystals work so well together because they each amplify the energy of the
other. Reiki can amplify a crystal’s particular physical or metaphysical
properties further, making it more powerful. This is why so many people
nowadays charge their crystals with Reiki healing energy.
Cleansing: Crystals
should be cleansed before they are programmed. You can cleanse a crystal by
raising its vibration using techniques that remove unwanted energy. This
banishes all unwanted programs, thoughts and intentions from the crystal
without removing its unique healing powers. There are many methods for
cleansing crystals, for example holding them under running water; passing them
through incense smoke or smudging them in the smoke of a cleansing herb;
ringing tingsha bells over them or using the sound of a Tibetan singing bowl;
burying them in sand, earth or salt; passing them through a candle flame (above
it!); leaving them on a windowsill in moonlight or sunlight for at least an
hour. You can also cleanse tumblestones by placing them on a large generator
crystal such as clear quartz, amethyst or citrine. Please note however that
salt can be too harsh for some crystals and water is not suitable for water
soluble crystals such as selenite, turquoise and chrysocolla.
Programming: Hold
your crystal in one or both hands and hold your program or specific intention
clearly in mind. Using your will imagine projecting that program into the
crystal. Your program can be general, such as programming a crystal to manifest
all the healing properties it has, or to channel Reiki, putting all the Reiki
symbols into the stone.
can also be more specific such as ‘I program you to help me with my meditations
for the highest good’. An amethyst crystal would work well for this. Other
examples are using rose quartz to heal heart issues (physical or emotional),
haematite to ground your ideas and bring focus, turquoise to overcome panic
attacks, fluorite to boost concentration and aid learning, citrine to boost
confidence. You will find if you look in
crystal books that each crystal can supposedly help with a variety of things,
so programming is a way for you to fine tune what you want the crystal to
specifically do for you.
Reiki and Crystals in a Treatment
are usually laid on the body over the chakras or wherever else they are needed.
The choice of crystal is usually linked to the colour of the chakra to
boost/strengthen the energy of the chakra. This is not a hard and fast rule
however as choosing crystals is often an art of following guidance.
my Crystal Chakra Balancing sessions I dowse crystals first, choosing one to
balance each chakra. I also ask the client to select any that they are
particularly drawn to. I often place a smoky quartz over areas of pain as this
stone is excellent for drawing out and absorbing all kinds of negative energy.
Crystals are placed on chakras and anywhere else on the body or in the aura if
needed. I scan the body and give Reiki to areas of imbalance and boost weak
chakras where necessary. Plenty of grounding is given at the end.
Ways to Use Crystals
the Reiki Master Healer course students are taught how to create crystal grids
for healing others or themselves and how to set up a grid to help manifest their
own goals. Grids are a means of aligning crystals to intensify and magnify
energy for healing or manifestation. The crystals are programmed with a
specific intent, such as to bring a person healing, and the grid is left in
place for as long as is deemed necessary. The grid can be energised with just a
few additional minutes of Reiki each day.
the simplest way to use crystals is to give a person a Reiki programmed crystal
to carry with them in their pocket. This focuses their intent upon the programme,
such as bringing about healing or enhancing psychic ability, whenever they
touch or think of the crystal.
#2 has a typically busy, stressful life, combining working full time and
looking after two young children. She has just had a couple of sessions so far
and finds the Crystal Chakra Balancing treatment more powerful and more
colourful than her usual Reiki sessions, seeing a whole variety of different
colours – red, orange, turquoise white, green, purple. She described the
treatment as shorter but more intense than Reiki on its own and relaxed very
well during the treatment.
you would like to try the Crystal Chakra Balancing treatment yourself, please
contact me on 07748 591690 or email me at The price
is £25 and you should allow 45 mins. This is a half hr treatment plus
additional time for consultation and selecting crystals.
Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic
Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers
several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel
Therapy, Fairy Blessing Guided Journey and Crystal Chakra Balancing; holistic
therapies including Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Hopi Ear Candles &
Facials; as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses and psychic tarot
readings. She has been on the spiritual path for 18 years and has extensive
knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further
information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her
website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland
Holistics & Healing.