Pendulum Healing is a combination of energy healing and spiritual healing. It works with the energy field of the body like dowsing rods, reacting to the energy emitted from a person’s body, both from healthy and unhealthy tissues. I connect to my healing guides and angels and ask the pendulum to release mental/emotional blocks, clear pain, release causes of a health problem etc in the same way that you would program a crystal. The pendulum then moves from side to side to break up the energy block then swings anti-clockwise to release it, returning to stillness when finished.
far I have used Pendulum Healing to relieve pain, congestion and inflammation
in the physical body, to clear blocked stagnant energy in the chakras and aura
and to release negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions held in the
mental/emotional bodies. I now include Pendulum Healing in my Reiki sessions
and Crystal Healing treatments to clear the underlying causes of a client’s
presenting problem, such as anxiety, depression, migraines and physical pain or
to assist breaking down and releasing a build-up of negative energy. Pendulum
Healing clears the underlying causes a lot faster than Reiki or crystals alone.
In a
treatment the pendulum is held over the problematic body part or over the solar
plexus if it is a generic condition affecting the whole body or if we are
aiming to clear a mental/emotional condition from the subconscious. Pendulum
Healing can also be used to clear individual chakras so that they function more
effectively. It can also clear any blocks that are preventing you manifesting
positive change in your life. For example we can ask it to remove blocks to
receiving abundance, creativity, clarity and enhanced intuition.
Healing can be applied to other areas of your life where healing is required,
such as relationships or work. Many people suffer from low self-worth or slip
into self-sabotaging behaviour which adversely affects the way these areas of
their lives.
Healing can also be used to clear any
negative energy in relationships (bad feelings, lack of forgiveness etc) and to
clear negative karma of a family lineage or from past lives. More widely it can
help release the negative energy of injustices and help heal communities. It is
excellent for healing low self-esteem, self-worth issues, lack of confidence,
anxiety and low mood.
does it work?
is believed that the spinning action of the pendulum creates an energy vortex,
sometimes known as a ‘cone of power’. Pendulum commands can be likened to
placing thought forms in the energy body which affect the subtle bodies and
physical body in a positive way, improving health and wellbeing.
have found Pendulum Healing to be incredibly powerful for shifting blocks,
probably because the energy is focused in and amplified by the energy of the
crystal pendulum. Like other healing modalities, Pendulum Healing cannot promise
a complete cure but it helps to create conditions that are favourable to
healing. I can honestly say that this is one of the most effective forms of
healing I have discovered so far.
Healing can be used for self-healing, healing others and as a distance healing
treatment. So far I have used Pendulum Healing on myself to relieve headaches
and clear the underlying causes of my migraine-type headaches, namely an
intolerance to my triggers of perfume, aftershave and other perfumed smells.
For the following two weeks I noticed a marked improvement in my tolerance
levels which I would say improved by 70%. Two weeks later I repeated this
program and again my tolerance levels have improved considerably. I also used
it effectively on myself to clear any blocks to fully connecting with my spirit
guides, angels, higher self and spirit and have experienced a much deeper
connection, particularly to the angelic realm, since doing so.
have used Pendulum Healing to relieve a client’s cold symptoms (catarrh and
congestion) on her chest which cleared completely after treatment. Pendulum
Healing has also helped relieve neck pain, stomach pain and considerably
improved the relationship between a client and a friend.
distance Pendulum Healing I tune in just as I would if sending distant Reiki:
you make a mental connection with the person, visualise them, and ask the
pendulum to clear and heal whatever the client wants to release.
Healing Treatment
stated earlier, I now include Pendulum Healing in my Reiki and Crystal Healing
treatments where needed but Pendulum Healing can also be taken as a stand-alone
treatment which includes the use of dowsing rods to dowse the state of your
chakras, ie whether they are open, closed/blocked or stagnant. I can then
rebalance the chakras with the pendulum, as well as work over specific problem
areas in the physical body, then finally clear any blocks/negative energy from
the subconscious that are preventing you manifesting your goals, such as
improved self-confidence and self-worth, attracting love or greater financial
abundance, increasing creativity or intuitive abilities.
treatment can be an hour or half an hour depending on how much clearing you
want to do. This treatment is ideal for anyone who holds limiting negative
beliefs in their subconscious mind, as well as for all those who want to feel
lighter, clearer and more balanced.
1 hr
treatment £30
½ hr
treatment £20
treatment (max ½ hr) £15
will also be running an Energy Healing workshop in early Autumn using dowsing
rods and healing pendulums so you can learn how to do this yourself!
Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Holistic Therapist and Spiritual
Development Coach currently based at City Gate East in Nottingham city centre,
NG1 5FS. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki,
Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy and Crystal Healing; holistic therapies including
Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Foot Massage, Hopi Ear Candles & Facials;
as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses and angel card and tarot
readings. She has been on the spiritual path for 18 years and has extensive
knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further
information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her
website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland
Holistics, Healing & Tarot.