I have worked with two clients recently who were experiencing the pain of bereavement. One lady, whose mum passed earlier this year, was having counselling but her body was manifesting symptoms of her grief - aches and pains, heavy weight on shoulders, stomach problems, constipation, irregular periods. She knew grief was affecting her body as she was previously healthy and knew that she needed to slow down. To add to her pain, she was carrying some guilt over her mum’s final few days.
An Angel of Joy came in first, encouraging me to open her heart chakra, clearing out the heavy emotion and bringing in the pink light of love. Archangel Michael brought in courage and strength and cut cords to her guilt. Raphael brought healing to her nervous system and abdomen. The client initially saw darkness, which then became lighter, moving through green, then to light. She saw a door opening and the light became brighter, showing her the healing light she was receiving from the spirit world. I was guided to focus on her feet to ground her and help her feel safe in her new reality. At the end she reported that her body felt lighter, there was no heaviness around her shoulders and her chest felt clearer.
Another client had been very low with grief following her dad’s passing three years previously. She’d had grief counselling but was still experiencing pain in the body and a continuous cough. During her treatment the client had a release of bottled up emotional pain. Archangel Phuel came in to cleanse the energy in her heart chakra and reconnect her with the flow of life. Archangel Michael brought strength and cleansed her aura. She also received physical healing and grounding. The client felt things being released from her and felt floaty at times. She felt lifted emotionally at the end of the session. During her second treatment she didn’t cough at all and again felt much lighter at the end. After two sessions she reported she was a lot better emotionally: she felt stronger and coped much better than usual on the anniversary of her dad’s death.
Sometimes in Angelic Reiki sessions a channelled message will come through for the client at the beginning of the healing session. One lady was told “With your great capacity to love comes great suffering when there is loss but if you knew how close the spirit world is around you, you would not grieve so much”.
Grief can also set in after a relationship break-up when we are grieving for the loss of our hopes and dreams for the future as well as the loss of the person in our life. Archangel Zadkiel came in to help one lady release her fears of her ex moving on to a new relationship; Archangel Raphael brought healing to past trauma held in her sacral chakra and Archangel Michael brought the strength to move forward. This client experienced a jumping sensation in her throat as blocks were cleared. She also had the realisation that she had hidden in the relationship and was now beginning to find herself. She felt things lifting and saw herself with a sense of freedom.
The angels say that sometimes you have to be prepared to release something in order for that thing to come back to you, if it is right, or to make way for something better to come in.
Angelic Reiki really can help lighten your energy, lift your worries and any heavy energy you’ve been carrying around, help you feel stronger emotionally and find the strength to move forwards again. Your passed loved ones and the angels never want you to feel stuck and alone and will bring all the support and healing they possibly can to get you through a difficult time.
Angelic Reiki can be taken in-person at my home in East Leake, south Notts or in Nottingham city centre, or can be taken as a distance session online via Zoom. Your session includes a 3 card angel card reading.
Helen Shortland
Angelic Reiki Master
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