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Friday, 30 December 2016

Increasing the Reiki Power

There are several ways you can increase the Reiki power while giving a Reiki treatment. When working over problem areas you may want an extra boost in order to shift blocks or to speed healing. Here are three suggestions you can try:-


  • Visualisation – while giving Reiki to the area, actually visualise the area healing or the energy block being dissolved and released. You may also like to incorporate colour into your visualisation, for example orange for physical energy and to clear congestion/catarrh, green to release tension and balance emotions, blue to calm and relax (ideal for high blood pressure) and red to warm cold areas such as hands and feet. A rich sapphire blue is good for helping to reduce pain.
  • Joshin Kokyuu-Ho – this breathing technique creates a strong connection to the Reiki power and is used to intensify the flow of energy. It is taught in the Reiki Level 1 course but here is a reminder: Inhale slowly through the nose and at the same time imagine you are breathing in Reiki energy through the crown chakra. (You may be aware of a slight pressure on the top of your head.) Draw in the breath and the Reiki energy down into your belly to the energy centre 2 or 3 finger widths beneath the naval.  Hold the breath here in the belly (Tanden) for a few seconds.  As you are doing this, imagine energy from the Tanden spreading throughout your entire body and energising the whole body. Exhale through the mouth.  Imagine the breath and Reiki energy flowing out of the mouth and also from the fingertips, tips of toes and from the chakras in the palms and feet.


Use Joshin Kokyuu-Ho to channel pure white light into a person’s energy field. I have used this method to clear the mental/emotional auric bodies of worry and negativity and raise the person’s vibration. Hold your hands around the head area while performing Joshin Kokyuu-Ho and visualise white light filling the person’s entire mental and emotional bodies, not just around the head. This is ideal for clients who worry a lot, have anxiety and/or depression.


  • Attunement breathing technique – Reiki Master Teachers can practice the breathing technique taught for attuning someone to Reiki. Hold in the Hui Yin point and place your tongue behind your top teeth to prevent energy flowing out your central channel. You will then have more energy to project out your hands.



Boosting Your Own Energy Levels


There are also ways to boost your own energy levels generally so that you have more energy at all times, not just during treatments. If you are generally more energised you will be less likely to feel tired or depleted if giving several treatments in one day. Suggested methods are as follows:-


  • Regular meditation practice, whichever method you prefer.
  • Practising Chi Kung or Tai Chi to increase your personal energy.
  • Regularly practising the Reiki Three Diamonds energy enhancing technique to build, strengthen and maintain Earth Ki, Heaven Ki and Heart Ki.
  • A healthy nutritious diet including plenty of fruit, salad and vegetables.



Reiki Three Diamonds Workshop


I am intending to run a Reiki Three Diamonds workshop in the Spring of 2017 at 15 Wheeler Gate Nottingham.



Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy and Fairy Blessing Guided Journey, as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.


Sunday, 11 December 2016

Reiki Precept No. 4: Just for Today, I will do my work honestly

This precept traditionally relates to your work, obligations, responsibilities and ultimately your mission in life. Do what you have to do and do it to the best of your abilities. Try not to see work as a chore; take pride in what you do. Be joyful, share your knowledge and serve you fellow man. Live for today. Do not worry about the past or project your fears and worries into the future. Be present; be mindful of the task in hand.


Most importantly, I feel the main message here is to be authentic. Step into your own power, not someone else’s. Live your own dream, not someone else’s. Seek inspiration but do not copy someone else because what will work for you is not necessarily what works for someone else. Find your own path. Connect with spirit and ask for guidance. Notice what brightens you and lifts you up and puts a smile on your face.


To do this you must know what it is in your heart – what do you want to be, what do you want to do, what do you want to share? This is important because it is all about service. How can you serve your fellow man and contribute to society. Now make a plan to bring your heartfelt goal to fruition. At this point you may well make changes in your working life or daily routine. Your work should always reflect who you are and your own unique talents and passions.


If you feel good about your work, you are sending positive energy into any role, project or business you undertake. This positive energy will be returned to you by the universe many times over. You can only fail if you are under-prepared – either yourself or your knowledge. Just take corrective action – improve yourself or your knowledge and try again.


If however you do not enjoy your work, think of the energy you are giving out into your workplace and into your own particular role. This energy is absorbed into the working environment and only serves to deplete you further. Tiredness, anxiety and under-achievement will result. Re-assess the situation. You can either change your perspective and improve things where you are or accept that it is time to move on. If you feel resentful or are lazy, skipping corners or being deceitful, you are not on the right path and not living in your truth. It is all too easy to let things ride and continue on a familiar path for years when you should have moved on long ago. Disillusionment and frustration can only result from this non-action.


Ultimately this Reiki precept means that whatever work you do, you should do it from the heart with an open heart. This incorporates kindness, co-operation, consideration and respect for others. Be honest about how you feel about what you are giving and what you are receiving. Be honest and open in your interactions with others but also be honest with yourself. After all, the work we do is just an extension of ourselves. Are we reflecting the best possible aspects of ourselves? Whatever you do, make sure your actions portray the best possible aspects of you and you will live a much more contented life.


Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy and Fairy Blessing Guided Journey, as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Looking Back at 2016 and Releasing it with Love

2016 can certainly be described as a year of surprises. Think of the unusually high number of celebrities who died this year, followed by the shock referendum result regarding Brexit, then the alarm and concern the new president elect of America has created. Not to mention the ongoing crises in Syria and the Middle East which no-one seems able to resolve. This has definitely been a tumultuous year and one which many people will no doubt be glad to see the back of.


Those who didn’t vote for Brexit, myself included, or the new president elect of America, are faced with having to learn acceptance. My personal ethos is to value unity over division: this goes to the core of who I am. I think one of the reasons why the referendum result was so emotive is that for many people it goes to the core of who they are – their own personal values, ideology and belief systems were brought fully into the spotlight.  So much anger has been expressed over the result but, from a spiritual perspective, this highlights that there is anger in us that needs healing. After all Brexit is only something to focus our anger on. The anger comes from us. There is concern that our country is becoming more insular in its way of thinking and concern too that some people are projecting their fears and insecurities onto ‘foreigners’ (sadly a human failing the world over). Now as 2016 draws to a close, some who voted for Brexit are frustrated with the length of time it is taking to push it forward as well as the possibility that it might never happen. One way or another, we will all be given the opportunity to learn acceptance this year.


Times of major change always bring opportunities to learn the spiritual lessons we need to learn. Every challenge presents an opportunity for growth and this, I feel, is the over-riding message of 2016. Whether we like it or not, change happens, and we must all find acceptance within ourselves, make peace within ourselves for the sake of our own wellbeing and sanity.  If we can make peace within ourselves, we can make peace in our communities and in the world. It is far better to focus on healing rifts in our communities. Time to stop arguing and fighting; time to find acceptance and make peace.


Hidden Blessings


Times of uncertainty bring us all the opportunity to:-


  • find calm and peace in the middle of change and turmoil
  • develop faith that things can still work out satisfactorily
  • trust in the divine plan that everything is unfolding exactly as it is meant to.

We can send light and positive energy to any situation of concern. We can ask God and/or the angels to resolve the situation for the greatest good of all concerned.


Global Change and Global Healing


Our greatest challenges bring the greatest opportunities to heal what needs healing. Whatever emotions this year’s events have thrown up – anger, frustration, disillusionment, despair, shock, disappointment, sadness, powerlessness, fear – use this opportunity to gather up that emotion in your heart centre and breathe it out into a container such as a pure white orb at your heart centre. See it fill with the dark cloudy energy you are breathing out. When it is all gathered there, ask your angels and guides, or God or Spirit if you prefer, to take it away. Now breathe pure white light into your heart centre and on the out breath let it fill your body. Replace pain with light; replace anger with love.


Major events bring the opportunity for healing to many people at once. They are not the usual personal challenges that affect us individually. Global change creates opportunities for global healing. If enough people release their anger and fear at this time, it will create a massive vibrational shift that will let in a large amount of light to the planet and humankind, thereby raising the vibration of the planet as a whole. This is why chaos ultimately always precedes peace.


Finding Peace


On the morning I started writing this blog, the message for the day on my angel calendar was “Messages from Heaven are mostly profound in their simplicity”. The message I am receiving as I write this blog is “Love one another”, repeated over and over again. This profoundly simple message is what Spirit wants us to focus on at this uncertain time.


In times of change we must come back to what is constant within, and what is constant within is our eternal soul – our source of love. When you feel love, you cannot feel anger or fear. So let’s take the time now to come back into our hearts and release the events of 2016 with thanks for the teachings it has brought:-


Hold your hands together in prayer position at chest height (over the heart chakra). Close your eyes but keep your focus on the place where the tips of the middle two fingers meet. Let go of whatever may be on your mind. Let your mind become clear. Whenever thoughts arise, just let them go and keep returning to the place where the tips of the two middle fingers meet. If it is uncomfortable to hold your hands at chest height, let them sink down to a comfortable position in our lap (keeping them together) and continue the meditation.


This meditation technique is called ‘Gassho’ and is the first of the Three Pillars of Reiki which are taught in the Reiki Master Healer level course. Holding the hands together in prayer position acknowledges and honours the spirit within. This position makes an energy circuit between the arms, hands at the chest and the heart chakra. With practice you will feel energy flowing in a circuit around your chest, arms and hands. The heart chakra is the 4th chakra, situated mid-way between the root and crown chakras. It is therefore our spiritual centre, at the centre point of the chakra system. Holding our hands here calms, centres and refocuses; it brings us back into our hearts.


Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy and Fairy Blessing Guided Journey, as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.


Sunday, 6 November 2016

Reiki Precept No. 3: Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.

In our modern society it is all too easy to focus on what we don't have. There are basic needs that certainly must be met but beyond that is it really serving your soul to crave more and more? In the media we are constantly being fed messages of what we should have in order to feel happy and successful. For many people the idea that we must 'have it all' just leads to constant dissatisfaction. Even when we get what we want, many of us still feel an emptiness inside - because a physical object rarely enriches our soul or spirit.

On our journey through life one of the greatest discoveries we can make is that it is the little things that matter, not the latest smartphone or the biggest television. Maybe we should all go back to basics and start feeling thankful for what we do have, such as the roof over our heads, food to eat, friendships and companionship. There is always something we can find to feel thankful for. There may be one part of your life that is going well, such as a group of supportive friends, and other areas which are not going so well. If you focus on feeling blessed to have such good friends, you will find even more reasons to feel thankful for your friendships. What you focus on will magnify so your feelings will magnify. Eventually just by being thankful for all the friends you have, this feeling of being blessed will extend to other areas of your life and begin to manifest positive changes there.

Focusing on how blessed we are brings us peace, not dissatisfaction. Everyone will go through difficult times at some stage in their life but at least you can send positive healing energy to situations and feel more empowered to overcome them. Everyone can do this, regardless of whether you have been attuned to Reiki or not. (A Reiki attunement just enables you to hold and channel a greater amount of life force energy which you can direct towards your goals.)

When we feel blessed we are rich in spirit. We are rich in the heart. Material things really don't matter. What is important is how we have loved, how we have made a difference, how we have inspired and helped others, how we have matured as a person and the spiritual lessons we learned along the way. We learn what matters and what does not matter. Judgements, grudges and negativity don't serve us. What matters is what enriches the spirit - the feeling of being alive that love brings, the kindness of a stranger, a beautiful view of nature, the support and companionship of those we hold dear.

Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy and Fairy Blessing Guided Journey, as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Deeper Chakra Clearing following Attunement

During the middle of 2016 I was drawn to Faery Reiki and given the opportunity to recharge my energy body on a much higher vibration. This attunement cleared my chakras on a deeper level than before, clearing out stuff that had developed in the years since my previous Reiki attunements. Along the way I gained greater insights into the purpose and role of the 7 main chakras. I now feel like there is a higher vibration of energy in each chakra – blocks have been cleared, resulting in the chakras now being filled with more light, consciousness and awareness. During this clearing I received messages from my guides and angels that related to each of the chakras, which I am including here in this blog.


Root Chakra


“Good solid grounding is essential for whatever you are trying to create or manifest.”


Clearing began with the Root Chakra. I had always been prone to anxiety (especially since my spiritual crisis in 2014/15) and living in my head a lot and therefore needed grounding and strengthening of the root chakra, the connection to Earth. Many spiritual people spend a lot of time in meditation and reciting mantras and affirmations but if your Root Chakra is weak or blocked, all that spiritual energy cannot flow down your central channel and out the Root Chakra where it can bring about positive change in the physical world. Instead it remains in the energy field around the head (as a mental activity) or around the heart chakra (if you are connecting with it emotionally). This was one of the most enlightening insights I received at this time. Many spiritual people neglect their Root Chakra and focus solely on reaching up to the higher dimensions but a balanced energy system with an open Root Chakra is essential if we want all our spiritual endeavours to improve our day to day life. In addition to practising Faery Reiki, I was drawn to try a Shamanic Reiki session, which was equally grounding, being focused in the dimension that is closest to the earth plane. Once we start on the healing journey, I am convinced we are drawn to what we need at the time for our own healing.


By clearing and strengthening the Root Chakra, anxiety can be practically eliminated or at least considerably lessened. When your Root is clear and balanced, you feel strong, safe and secure in yourself, able to cope better with any challenges or problems that arise. I also discovered that I had developed a much stronger connection to animals and a deeper appreciation of nature. There were still many aspects of my life I was unsure of but I was happy to go with the flow and let things unfold.


Sacral Chakra


“Stop trying to fit in with the norm, the expectations of family, society etc, and just be yourself.”


A couple of weeks after the clearing of the Root Chakra I was aware than a period of intense creativity had begun. I was receiving ideas and inspiration for new courses to take myself, workshops to run, a new direction to take my business in and plans for the future relating to life in general.


Issues of power and control are related to the Sacral Chakra and I had some old anger issues come up to be released at this time. I received messages from my guides about not worrying if some people appeared to be walking out of my life. Some friendships did indeed go but others deepened. When you are being yourself, and open about who you are and what you do, you vibrate at a level of truth. This attracts new people to you who match your new vibration. Fear of loss and rejection can stop you making healthy choices but healthy choices are essential to your wellbeing. I was initially rather reluctant to start promoting my work with the faery realm, worried that people would think I was literally ‘away with the fairies’ but the amount of new clients I attracted for my Faery treatments at this time was amazing!


On a physical level I was given to understand how gynae and digestive problems are connected: this is because our reproductive and digestive systems are both governed by the same chakra – the Sacral Chakra. A diet of sugary and/or processed food is bad for gut health/digestion and makes menstrual problems such as period pain and PMT much worse. This was a time to become more aware of what I was consuming and making a few changes to improve things.



Solar Plexus


“Stay calm, stand in your own power, stay strong.”


When this chakra was activated a couple of weeks after the Sacral chakra, issues relating to conviction of principles and self-belief were highlighted. If someone challenged me in the past, the first thought that went through my head was always “Oh, I must be wrong then”. During the clearing of the Solar Plexus Chakra I was given a test when I really could have doubted my own abilities but it soon appeared that there were many other factors involved and it was simply a matter of the timing being wrong. My self-worth and self-esteem improved. I was no longer prepared to put up with certain types of behaviour so I developed some assertiveness strategies at this time.


Heart Chakra


“Get past your own hurts and see the love in others.”


Several teachings came through while this chakra was activated and cleared. It is essential not to let your ego stop you from doing something new or something different. After all, it may all turn out better than expected and you may be surprised at the kindness of others. How many times do we come out with excuses like “I can’t possibly do that”, “I’ll never be good enough” or even “I’m too old”. So often we just expect the worst, from ourselves and others. The lesson here is to get over your own ego and give others, and yourself, a chance.


“Know what’s in your heart – this knowledge is power.”


So often our egos cloud our connection to our soul, causing blocks to recognising and realising our dreams. This powerful message ‘Know what’s in your heart – this knowledge is power’ highlights the importance of knowing what is actually in your heart, ie. what you really want to do with your life. Knowing this gives power to set your intention. You are beginning to align with truth. Once you know where your heart lies, the energy from the heart centre can move up to the throat chakra to enable you to follow a new path. Until the Solar Plexus was fully cleared of blocks, I had had too many doubts in the Solar Plexus which impaired the flow of energy from the Solar Plexus to the Heart. Once these issues were cleared, I was free to follow my heart.


Throat Chakra


“Speak kindly of others – this purifies your Throat Chakra. Anything else lowers your vibration.”


When the Throat Chakra is clear you can put into action the creative impulses from the Sacral Chakra, free from the self-doubt of the Solar Plexus and the confusion of the Heart. When the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras are clear, the energy of these creative impulses moves up the central channel free from the emotional wounds and limiting beliefs of the Solar Plexus, fully aligned with what is in your heart.


The teaching I was given (above) by my guides at this time is one we can all use to keep the energy in the Throat Chakra high and strong. This teaching can be very challenging at times but every action has a reaction and the energy we give out always comes back to us.


The Throat Chakra is concerned primarily with self-expression, living your truth and your path in life. While this chakra was clearing I was drawn to a book containing information which negated something I had been told several years back. I made a very interesting discovery relating to someone else’s erroneous belief that I had bought into, assuming that they knew more than I did. Discovering that I had been informed incorrectly helped to clear away a ‘limiting belief’ which had hindered my development in the area of mediumship/channelling which I really wanted to develop further. This is a strong reminder never to hand over your power to others, especially when deep down you know what they are saying feels wrong.


Third Eye


“Your path is unfolding. Don’t get side-tracked in other people’s lives and dreams; stay focused on your own. See clearly what is for you and what is for someone else.”


While this chakra was clearing I was drawing more like-minded people into my life and connecting with people with a similar vision – inspiring women with spiritual ambitions. Developing discernment is a major function of the Third Eye Chakra – understanding what is your path, in other words what is right for you, and what is someone else’s path. A clear, balanced Third Eye literally enables you to see clearly. It also enables you to detach from drama and all things which no longer serve you.


I was now beginning to feel much clearer about the direction I was heading in. I knew what I wanted to do, to raise my energy higher to achieve a stronger connection with Spirit, but sometimes when you are so focused on the big picture you want it all now without doing the work along the way and giving it the time it needs. My guides told me that I needed to deal with the small things and enjoy the steps along the way, rather than focussing on what I would be doing one day in the future. When you’re full of grandiose ideas, it is often very easy to neglect the boring day to day stuff of life. This was a reminder that being in the present is essential for bringing the grounding we need to manifest those great plans.




“See the underlying inter-connectedness in all things.”


Our external world can be regarded as a mirror of both our true desires and our fears. Have you ever noticed how often things keep going wrong when you are on the wrong path in life? In the symbolic language of the universe, things going wrong is a sign that you have veered away from your real path in life. Having a series of bumps in your car, for example, can be interpreted as the universe giving you a push or kick up the backside!


At this time I asked for a new spirit guide to help me on this next stage of my journey. I was then drawn to a book which helped me improve my connection to spirit and to take further energy attunements to raise my vibration higher. As my Crown Chakra cleared I also noticed an improvement in my manifesting abilities – things I really wanted to do suddenly became possible.




By the end of my journey of clearing through the chakras I understood how each chakra is affected by the energy of the chakra below it. Ultimately it all starts with the need for a strong, healthy Root Chakra which can provide a solid, stable foundation for future growth and happiness. Without this, the energy flowing up into the chakras above the Root becomes weak and distorted which prevents these chakras from developing and functioning as effectively as they should. The Root Chakra, I believe, is the most important chakra of all yet it is so easily damaged by trauma, emotional upheaval and not feeling safe in our early years. It is also easily neglected by those seeking to develop spiritually and ‘go higher’. It seems that healing is a universal process that virtually everyone here on Earth will feel the need to address at some point in their lives if they wish to achieve their highest and greatest potential.


Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy and Fairy Blessing Guided Journey, as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.



Monday, 10 October 2016

Reiki Precept No. 2: Just for Today I will let go of Worry

Each month I am writing a mini blog about one of the 5 Reiki precepts. The Reiki precepts were designed to give a structure or framework to your spiritual practice when you start to take responsibility for your own energies and ultimately your health and wellbeing on all levels. I hope this will provide some insight/guidance that may help my Reiki students and practitioners to understand their deeper meaning and integrate them better. Equally you don’t need to be attuned to Reiki to meditate upon these precepts as greater self-awareness can benefit everyone. Working with and integrating the Reiki precepts will speed along your own spiritual development, whether you are attuned to Reiki or not.

Reiki Precept No 2:   Just for today I will let go of Worry

When worry gets the better of us, it can literally feel like a heavy lead weight hanging around the head and compressing our energy field. When you worry about something constantly, it is like meditating on a negative object or affirmation. It lowers your energy vibration and your energy field shrinks.

Energy follows thought, so when you worry about something you are actually giving the problem more energy. When you worry, you are living in your head. The mental body of the aura becomes cloudy and grey, heavy with stagnant energy. This clogs up the mental body so you cannot receive inspiration from your higher mind and/or intuitive solutions from your guides.  Worrying about something is therefore futile: this just sends more energy to the situation you are trying to avoid and leads to the possibility of manifesting any number of negative outcomes.

As Reiki practitioners we must all be very aware of where our energy is going. When you have been attuned to Reiki you carry a greater amount of energy in your energy body (aura) than before, so manifesting occurs more quickly and effectively than usual as you have more energy to put behind your thoughts and intentions. Taking responsibility for your thoughts, and therefore your energy, is essential.

If a situation is troubling you, it is far more useful to visualise the situation with all the people involved turning out well, sending Reiki to it at the same time. You can also hand the situation over to God, the Universe or your angels and ask that it be resolved for the highest and greatest good of all. This is a far more proactive response than merely worrying. Combining this with practical solutions is the best way forward. This brings your problem out of your head and into the physical realm. Make a plan of action; deal with it rather than ignore it, visualising the situation turning out well and asking God or the angels for the best possible outcome for all concerned.

For those who are prone to constant worry or anxiety, grounding yourself on a regular basis is essential. This can be done through walking, gardening, running, exercising or by practising mindfulness.

It is of course also worth noting that many of the things we worry about are never a real threat at all and may never happen. If worry features a lot on your life, it may that the Universe is trying to show you a spiritual lesson that you need to learn, such as developing greater faith in yourself and trusting that you can handle whatever life throws at you. Each cause for worry or concern can be seen as a test of your spiritual strength and an opportunity to align yourself more fully with the practices and principles of Reiki.

Helen Shortland is a  Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Spiritual Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Angel Therapy, Faery Reiki and Fairy Blessing Guided Journey, as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.

Sunday, 25 September 2016


After many years practice of meditation and connection to my guides and higher self, I have come to realise that my life purpose is simply ‘to heal’ – from emotional wounding in this life and even past lives. And the most simple and amazing thing of all is that your life purpose will be exactly the same as mine. ‘To heal’ is all that is required of any of us because when we heal all our natural strengths, talents and passions will come to the fore. Nothing gets in the way of this happening. No-one else hinders you. When you are healed you have no blocks, so life circumstances present no blocks to hold you back. When you experience negativity from others, this is actually a reflection of your own doubts and fears. When you are free to follow your passions, your life path naturally unfolds but, before then, if it’s not happening, you need to heal – to release and clear blockages.


Our life purpose then is actually very clear – to heal and to love. As part of our healing journey we learn to love ourselves through self-nurturing and honouring our own needs and to love those who have hurt us – lovers who have betrayed us, people who have let us down and those who have deliberately hurt us. Once this pain has been released through acts of forgiveness and understanding, we allow the space for a broader love and compassion for humanity to emerge.


Asking for Help


Most people waste hours, months, years worrying about what they should be doing. All this just puts unnecessary pressure on us and uses up valuable energy that would be better spent letting go of the past and living in the present. By all means ask your guides and angels to show you the way and guide you into your life mission but, if you do this, it is essential that you are able to recognise the signs of guidance. Very rarely will you be shown the bigger picture or told exactly what you should be doing. It is far more likely that you will be led first to the ‘next step’, ie what you need to do in order to heal and release any issues that are holding you back from moving into your life purpose in the first place.


Challenging situations and crises occur at some point in everyone’s life and these situations serve to reflect back to you the aspects of yourself that need healing. Bad things do happen and we all wonder why bad things happen to good people. Recently a friend of mine went through a horrendous ordeal of wrongful arrest after being framed for something she didn’t do. I discovered that she was carrying the energy of guilt in her aura from her relationship with her mother which had left her feeling like whatever she did, she could never do enough. According to the Law of Attraction we can only attract what we already have, for example happiness creates more happiness. Likewise guilt attracts situations where we are made to appear as the guilty party. The universe is not cruel but simply mirrors back to us the aspects of ourselves that need healing.


As part of moving into your life purpose, your guides, angels and higher self may also lead you to a healing modality that can help you release whatever needs to be released. These can include Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Crystal Healing or one of the many other forms of energy healing available today. I was led to Reiki 15 years ago when I first began my healing journey, then more recently I was led to Faery Reiki which cleared out my chakras at an even deeper level than before. I just simply know that this is preparing me for the next stage of my journey.


The Never Ending Journey


Personally I was very lucky when it comes to finding my life purpose because many years ago in meditation I heard a big booming voice, that sounded both within my head and outside of me, say “You will be a spiritual healer”. This felt ‘right’ at a deep level and this conviction has kept me on my path despite there being many occasions when I could have abandoned it for financial reasons!


Even when you feel that you are on the right path and have got to where you want to be, there is still further to go. It is still possible to move deeper into your life purpose and take your work to the next level. I want to help others heal on a deeper soul level. I don’t yet have all the answers regarding how I am going to do this but I have already seen the powerful shifts that can occur when you are able to heal the soul or spirit and this is my passion. Moving further into this kind of soul level healing is my goal for the future. And each time I release more of my old emotional ‘stuff’, the deeper I will move into it. Maybe it is time for you to start your own journey too…


Practical things to consider when moving into your Life Purpose


Your life purpose is ultimately about how you can best serve humanity based on your particular skills, talents, personal qualities and specific interests. To find your life purpose you must follow your passion, in other words, whatever inspires you and makes you feel like you are doing something worthwhile. Your life purpose is usually connected to that nagging feeling of longing which comes from your soul. Often people do have a good idea about what they would like to be doing – it’s more a case of addressing the ‘if onlys’ and moving past perceived blocks. A good indication of your life purpose is what you would do if you were totally free and left to your own devices if you didn’t have to worry about money, where to live, other people’s expectations etc. So identifying your passions is a good place to start. Then start to identify all the issues that prevent you from doing this including mental/emotional issues such as lack of confidence and fear of failure, as well as practical concerns such as lack of time or lack of money to pay for training. Try to determine how many of these issues are actually excuses the ego makes to keep you where you are, ie. stuck in a nice, safe little rut. The real blocks lie hidden underneath the excuses and these are the emotional issues that need healing.


Helen Shortland is a Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki and Fairy Blessing Guided Journey, as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.


Monday, 5 September 2016

Reiki Precept no. 1 - Just for Today, I will let go of Anger

Each month I am going to write a mini blog about one of the 5 Reiki precepts. The Reiki precepts were designed to give a structure or framework to your spiritual practice when you start to take responsibility for your own energies and ultimately your health and wellbeing on all levels. I hope this will provide some insight/guidance that may help my Reiki students and practitioners to understand their deeper meaning and integrate them better. Equally you don’t need to be attuned to Reiki to meditate upon these precepts as greater self-awareness can benefit everyone. Working with and integrating the Reiki precepts will speed along your own spiritual development, whether you are attuned to Reiki or not.


Reiki Precept No 1:   Just for today, I will let go of anger


Anger is corrosive; it has a negative, destructive effect on all areas of your life. Anger is futile and makes you feel impotent. It often proves embarrassing when we vent our spleen without thinking and we usually end up regretting those angry outbursts, especially when we end up looking foolish. We’ve all done this, you’re not alone. This feeling of foolishness however contains a lesson because it may just make you think twice next time… maybe. Even if you manage to contain your anger, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your anger should be ignored. Anger is there for a reason. Getting to the root cause is key. Anger stems from unresolved emotional issues – hurts and injustices from others, the perceived unfairness of life, anger at yourself for making wrong choices etc all contribute to a simmering underlying resentment.


When you meditate on this precept, keep asking yourself “Why am I angry?” Keep going deeper to find the original cause. It is like peeling the layers off an onion. What you find can be both painful and enlightening but ultimately it must be released.


For some people anger can also be very controlling so can appear to serve a purpose.  A difficult question to ask would be “What do I gain by being angry?” For some people anger can be a learned behaviour pattern that established itself in your earlier years. You may have seen this behaviour pattern played out among the adults around you and learned how it could be used to get what you want. After all, as children we soak up everything we see around us without question, both good and bad. If this is the case, does this behaviour pattern still serve you now? Some people will find that they are angry about something that happened in the past, such as abandonment, most likely when they were too young to understand.  A young child cannot process things and talk things through like an adult can – they just express emotion.


If you are angry with yourself for wrong choices or perceived failure, self-acceptance is essential. Don’t blame others; the responsibility lies with you. Maybe your expectations just weren’t achievable at the time. If you are angry at hurts and injustices inflicted by others, practising forgiveness and making peace with the past is the only option for the benefit of your emotional health and wellbeing. Forgiving others doesn’t mean you are letting them ‘get away with it’ – it is setting yourself free from pain. When you let go of anger, you let in peace. On the emotional spectrum anger is very near the lower end along with fear. On the other hand, peace is at the top end of the emotional spectrum along with love. Love and fear are therefore opposites. When you let go of anger you also let in love – love for yourself as you are allowing yourself to be at peace. This love is healing – healing from the hurts and pain of the past, allowing recovery and enabling you to energetically vibrate at a healthy frequency. You are valuing yourself enough to choose love. Anger carries a dark, low vibration. Peace and love carry a light joyful vibration. You always have the power to choose how you respond. It may not be easy but it is definitely worth a try.



You may like to set aside some meditation time and sit and meditate on this precept, asking yourself what anger means to you, where you hold anger, where it stems from and what purpose it serves, going deeper each time.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Healing Anxiety by Strengthening the Root Chakra

Around six weeks after my Faery Reiki attunement, when all the clearing had taken place, I began to be aware of definite improvements concerning issues connected to my Root Chakra. The 1st chakra, the Root or Base Chakra, concerns issues of stability, our sense of security in the physical world and sense of belonging, as well as practical matters such as work, home, finances, health and physical vitality. I realised I felt stronger, safer in myself, more confident. I realised I was no longer anxious in situations that would have made me nervous or anxious before.  “I can’t do that” had been replaced with “I can if I want to”. I had no qualms whatsoever about going off on my own exploring new places.


So, how had this actually come about you may ask? During my attunement I had been aware of energy pulsing at each chakra, clearing them out Root to Throat. Although I have done much personal healing on my own journey over the last 15 years, there were still some deep-rooted negative beliefs about myself that I had held since childhood and possibly from past lives. There had also been a spiritual crisis in 2014/early 2015 from which I was still building myself up.


The Importance of the Root Chakra in Healing


I firmly believe that all our issues stem from old hurts, pain and wounding in the Root Chakra. Good stability and a healthy emotional environment in our early childhood years are essential for forming successful relationships both within and outside the family and for healthy self-esteem. Unfortunately however most traumas start in childhood or early teens when we don’t have the emotional maturity to deal with them. So many people end up believing they are not clever enough, not pretty enough, not lovable enough, just not good enough in other words. When we don’t feel safe we form coping strategies that may help at the time but which don’t really serve us into adulthood, by which time they have become ingrained and habitual. Lots of negative emotions are tied up in these erroneous beliefs and these negative emotions cause energy blocks in the Root Chakra that alter and impede the flow of energy into this chakra. The Root Chakra is our connection to Mother Earth so, if not corrected, these impediments become blocks which limit the flow of energy we receive into the Root Chakra from the earth. This lack of connection to the earth results in us not feeling safe, secure and vital and makes us less effective in the physical world in terms of achieving our goals and dreams. We become ungrounded – we can easily ‘zone out’, live in our heads or be overwhelmed by our emotions.


What is anxiety?


The best definition I have come across for anxiety is this: Anxiety stems from being separated from your soul and your purpose. Anxiety is your body’s way of telling you that your current path is not in line with your soul path, life purpose or mission. Anxiety can be crippling; it is constant fear in over-drive. You may even have forgotten what the initial trigger or cause was but your physical response has become habitual and you are running the energy pattern of fear. I remember feeling a constant panic that time was running out and I hadn’t achieved anything like the amount of things I wanted to achieve after living so many years on the planet. When you are gripped with anxiety and panic you are not able to set goals, you don’t feel in control, you may not even know what your desires and goals are. If you ever had any, they have long since been abandoned. You have forgotten what it’s like to plan ahead and to look forward to the future.


How can we help heal anxiety?


There are many forms of energy healing that can help such as Reiki healing focussing particularly on the Root Chakra, Faery Reiki which increases your connection to the Earth or my Fairy Blessing Guided Journey where you release what is no longer serving you and request the help you need. This latter treatment also includes crystals to help unblock the Root Chakra. If you want to use crystals yourself, haematite, smoky quartz, black obsidian and red jasper work particularly well in this chakra – pop one in each trouser pocket to keep them with you all day or sit and meditate while holding a crystal on your lap.


Faery energy is particularly grounding because the fairy realm is so close to our earth plane. You can easily connect to the Fae without being attuned to Faery Reiki. To heal anxiety you must strengthen your Root Chakra so I would urge you to go outside into nature, either your garden or take a walk in a park. An area that is more wild is preferable to a perfectly manicured lawn. Sit near some plants and flowers, introduce yourself and ask the fairies to help you ground yourself and find inner peace and strength. Ask for the help (healing) you need and be open to any ideas and thoughts that come to you. You may be inspired to help the Fae in some way such as picking up rubbish in the local park. You will find sitting there surrounded by fairies and elemental energies very grounding. This is why people feel so much better after getting out in the countryside. If you are really lucky, you may sense sparkles in the air or tiny little balls of coloured light flitting around you. If you feel more uplifted and inspired afterwards, you have definitely made contact!



Helen Shortland is a Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy and Fairy Blessing Guided Journey, as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.