Each month I am writing a mini blog about one of the 5 Reiki precepts. The Reiki precepts were designed to give a structure or framework to your spiritual practice when you start to take responsibility for your own energies and ultimately your health and wellbeing on all levels. I hope this will provide some insight/guidance that may help my Reiki students and practitioners to understand their deeper meaning and integrate them better. Equally you don’t need to be attuned to Reiki to meditate upon these precepts as greater self-awareness can benefit everyone. Working with and integrating the Reiki precepts will speed along your own spiritual development, whether you are attuned to Reiki or not.
Reiki Precept No 2: Just for today I will let go of Worry
When worry gets the better of us, it can literally feel like a heavy lead weight hanging around the head and compressing our energy field. When you worry about something constantly, it is like meditating on a negative object or affirmation. It lowers your energy vibration and your energy field shrinks.
Energy follows thought, so when you worry about something you are actually giving the problem more energy. When you worry, you are living in your head. The mental body of the aura becomes cloudy and grey, heavy with stagnant energy. This clogs up the mental body so you cannot receive inspiration from your higher mind and/or intuitive solutions from your guides. Worrying about something is therefore futile: this just sends more energy to the situation you are trying to avoid and leads to the possibility of manifesting any number of negative outcomes.
As Reiki practitioners we must all be very aware of where our energy is going. When you have been attuned to Reiki you carry a greater amount of energy in your energy body (aura) than before, so manifesting occurs more quickly and effectively than usual as you have more energy to put behind your thoughts and intentions. Taking responsibility for your thoughts, and therefore your energy, is essential.
If a situation is troubling you, it is far more useful to visualise the situation with all the people involved turning out well, sending Reiki to it at the same time. You can also hand the situation over to God, the Universe or your angels and ask that it be resolved for the highest and greatest good of all. This is a far more proactive response than merely worrying. Combining this with practical solutions is the best way forward. This brings your problem out of your head and into the physical realm. Make a plan of action; deal with it rather than ignore it, visualising the situation turning out well and asking God or the angels for the best possible outcome for all concerned.
For those who are prone to constant worry or anxiety, grounding yourself on a regular basis is essential. This can be done through walking, gardening, running, exercising or by practising mindfulness.
It is of course also worth noting that many of the things we worry about are never a real threat at all and may never happen. If worry features a lot on your life, it may that the Universe is trying to show you a spiritual lesson that you need to learn, such as developing greater faith in yourself and trusting that you can handle whatever life throws at you. Each cause for worry or concern can be seen as a test of your spiritual strength and an opportunity to align yourself more fully with the practices and principles of Reiki.
Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Spiritual Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Angel Therapy, Faery Reiki and Fairy Blessing Guided Journey, as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website http://helenshortland.com or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.
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