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Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Deeper Chakra Clearing following Attunement

During the middle of 2016 I was drawn to Faery Reiki and given the opportunity to recharge my energy body on a much higher vibration. This attunement cleared my chakras on a deeper level than before, clearing out stuff that had developed in the years since my previous Reiki attunements. Along the way I gained greater insights into the purpose and role of the 7 main chakras. I now feel like there is a higher vibration of energy in each chakra – blocks have been cleared, resulting in the chakras now being filled with more light, consciousness and awareness. During this clearing I received messages from my guides and angels that related to each of the chakras, which I am including here in this blog.


Root Chakra


“Good solid grounding is essential for whatever you are trying to create or manifest.”


Clearing began with the Root Chakra. I had always been prone to anxiety (especially since my spiritual crisis in 2014/15) and living in my head a lot and therefore needed grounding and strengthening of the root chakra, the connection to Earth. Many spiritual people spend a lot of time in meditation and reciting mantras and affirmations but if your Root Chakra is weak or blocked, all that spiritual energy cannot flow down your central channel and out the Root Chakra where it can bring about positive change in the physical world. Instead it remains in the energy field around the head (as a mental activity) or around the heart chakra (if you are connecting with it emotionally). This was one of the most enlightening insights I received at this time. Many spiritual people neglect their Root Chakra and focus solely on reaching up to the higher dimensions but a balanced energy system with an open Root Chakra is essential if we want all our spiritual endeavours to improve our day to day life. In addition to practising Faery Reiki, I was drawn to try a Shamanic Reiki session, which was equally grounding, being focused in the dimension that is closest to the earth plane. Once we start on the healing journey, I am convinced we are drawn to what we need at the time for our own healing.


By clearing and strengthening the Root Chakra, anxiety can be practically eliminated or at least considerably lessened. When your Root is clear and balanced, you feel strong, safe and secure in yourself, able to cope better with any challenges or problems that arise. I also discovered that I had developed a much stronger connection to animals and a deeper appreciation of nature. There were still many aspects of my life I was unsure of but I was happy to go with the flow and let things unfold.


Sacral Chakra


“Stop trying to fit in with the norm, the expectations of family, society etc, and just be yourself.”


A couple of weeks after the clearing of the Root Chakra I was aware than a period of intense creativity had begun. I was receiving ideas and inspiration for new courses to take myself, workshops to run, a new direction to take my business in and plans for the future relating to life in general.


Issues of power and control are related to the Sacral Chakra and I had some old anger issues come up to be released at this time. I received messages from my guides about not worrying if some people appeared to be walking out of my life. Some friendships did indeed go but others deepened. When you are being yourself, and open about who you are and what you do, you vibrate at a level of truth. This attracts new people to you who match your new vibration. Fear of loss and rejection can stop you making healthy choices but healthy choices are essential to your wellbeing. I was initially rather reluctant to start promoting my work with the faery realm, worried that people would think I was literally ‘away with the fairies’ but the amount of new clients I attracted for my Faery treatments at this time was amazing!


On a physical level I was given to understand how gynae and digestive problems are connected: this is because our reproductive and digestive systems are both governed by the same chakra – the Sacral Chakra. A diet of sugary and/or processed food is bad for gut health/digestion and makes menstrual problems such as period pain and PMT much worse. This was a time to become more aware of what I was consuming and making a few changes to improve things.



Solar Plexus


“Stay calm, stand in your own power, stay strong.”


When this chakra was activated a couple of weeks after the Sacral chakra, issues relating to conviction of principles and self-belief were highlighted. If someone challenged me in the past, the first thought that went through my head was always “Oh, I must be wrong then”. During the clearing of the Solar Plexus Chakra I was given a test when I really could have doubted my own abilities but it soon appeared that there were many other factors involved and it was simply a matter of the timing being wrong. My self-worth and self-esteem improved. I was no longer prepared to put up with certain types of behaviour so I developed some assertiveness strategies at this time.


Heart Chakra


“Get past your own hurts and see the love in others.”


Several teachings came through while this chakra was activated and cleared. It is essential not to let your ego stop you from doing something new or something different. After all, it may all turn out better than expected and you may be surprised at the kindness of others. How many times do we come out with excuses like “I can’t possibly do that”, “I’ll never be good enough” or even “I’m too old”. So often we just expect the worst, from ourselves and others. The lesson here is to get over your own ego and give others, and yourself, a chance.


“Know what’s in your heart – this knowledge is power.”


So often our egos cloud our connection to our soul, causing blocks to recognising and realising our dreams. This powerful message ‘Know what’s in your heart – this knowledge is power’ highlights the importance of knowing what is actually in your heart, ie. what you really want to do with your life. Knowing this gives power to set your intention. You are beginning to align with truth. Once you know where your heart lies, the energy from the heart centre can move up to the throat chakra to enable you to follow a new path. Until the Solar Plexus was fully cleared of blocks, I had had too many doubts in the Solar Plexus which impaired the flow of energy from the Solar Plexus to the Heart. Once these issues were cleared, I was free to follow my heart.


Throat Chakra


“Speak kindly of others – this purifies your Throat Chakra. Anything else lowers your vibration.”


When the Throat Chakra is clear you can put into action the creative impulses from the Sacral Chakra, free from the self-doubt of the Solar Plexus and the confusion of the Heart. When the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras are clear, the energy of these creative impulses moves up the central channel free from the emotional wounds and limiting beliefs of the Solar Plexus, fully aligned with what is in your heart.


The teaching I was given (above) by my guides at this time is one we can all use to keep the energy in the Throat Chakra high and strong. This teaching can be very challenging at times but every action has a reaction and the energy we give out always comes back to us.


The Throat Chakra is concerned primarily with self-expression, living your truth and your path in life. While this chakra was clearing I was drawn to a book containing information which negated something I had been told several years back. I made a very interesting discovery relating to someone else’s erroneous belief that I had bought into, assuming that they knew more than I did. Discovering that I had been informed incorrectly helped to clear away a ‘limiting belief’ which had hindered my development in the area of mediumship/channelling which I really wanted to develop further. This is a strong reminder never to hand over your power to others, especially when deep down you know what they are saying feels wrong.


Third Eye


“Your path is unfolding. Don’t get side-tracked in other people’s lives and dreams; stay focused on your own. See clearly what is for you and what is for someone else.”


While this chakra was clearing I was drawing more like-minded people into my life and connecting with people with a similar vision – inspiring women with spiritual ambitions. Developing discernment is a major function of the Third Eye Chakra – understanding what is your path, in other words what is right for you, and what is someone else’s path. A clear, balanced Third Eye literally enables you to see clearly. It also enables you to detach from drama and all things which no longer serve you.


I was now beginning to feel much clearer about the direction I was heading in. I knew what I wanted to do, to raise my energy higher to achieve a stronger connection with Spirit, but sometimes when you are so focused on the big picture you want it all now without doing the work along the way and giving it the time it needs. My guides told me that I needed to deal with the small things and enjoy the steps along the way, rather than focussing on what I would be doing one day in the future. When you’re full of grandiose ideas, it is often very easy to neglect the boring day to day stuff of life. This was a reminder that being in the present is essential for bringing the grounding we need to manifest those great plans.




“See the underlying inter-connectedness in all things.”


Our external world can be regarded as a mirror of both our true desires and our fears. Have you ever noticed how often things keep going wrong when you are on the wrong path in life? In the symbolic language of the universe, things going wrong is a sign that you have veered away from your real path in life. Having a series of bumps in your car, for example, can be interpreted as the universe giving you a push or kick up the backside!


At this time I asked for a new spirit guide to help me on this next stage of my journey. I was then drawn to a book which helped me improve my connection to spirit and to take further energy attunements to raise my vibration higher. As my Crown Chakra cleared I also noticed an improvement in my manifesting abilities – things I really wanted to do suddenly became possible.




By the end of my journey of clearing through the chakras I understood how each chakra is affected by the energy of the chakra below it. Ultimately it all starts with the need for a strong, healthy Root Chakra which can provide a solid, stable foundation for future growth and happiness. Without this, the energy flowing up into the chakras above the Root becomes weak and distorted which prevents these chakras from developing and functioning as effectively as they should. The Root Chakra, I believe, is the most important chakra of all yet it is so easily damaged by trauma, emotional upheaval and not feeling safe in our early years. It is also easily neglected by those seeking to develop spiritually and ‘go higher’. It seems that healing is a universal process that virtually everyone here on Earth will feel the need to address at some point in their lives if they wish to achieve their highest and greatest potential.


Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen offers several healing treatments such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Faery Reiki, Angel Therapy and Fairy Blessing Guided Journey, as well as Usui Reiki and Faery Reiki training courses. She has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics & Enchantment.



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