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Monday, 29 February 2016


I’m sure most of us have been in a situation when something we are being told just doesn’t feel right. You’re not sure why, you can’t put your finger on it, but something is telling you that something is wrong. So what are you sensing and what is it that is trying to communicate with you? Your energy body or aura is giving out and receiving communication on an energetic level all the time and it is your solar plexus chakra in particular where you  ‘sense’ or ‘feel’ energy.  This chakra connected to the psychic ability of clairsentience or ‘clear feeling’. The solar plexus is situated in our stomach just above the naval. For that reason, this feeling or intuition is also known as gut instinct. If you can strengthen your gut instinct and gain trust in it through practice, you can in effect become a human lie detector.


Everyone has a personal energy vibration made up of their thoughts and emotions. We respond subconsciously to a person’s energy vibration all the time – in other words, there are some people you instantly resonate with and others that you just wish to avoid. We make decisions about other people based on their vibration without even realising it. We can sense when someone is being authentic and equally when they are not being truthful. When someone is being authentic and truthful, the energy matches their words. When they are telling a lie, the energy they give out does not match what they are saying. This creates a feeling that something isn’t quite right and it is simply because the energy vibrations do not match. This is why you get that feeling that something just doesn’t feel right. Energy doesn’t lie.


Feeling Truth and Untruth in the Body


Your body works like a finely tuned biofeedback mechanism and is constantly giving you clues if you can learn how to interpret them. If you say a statement out loud, notice where you feel it in your body when you say something that is true, and again notice where you feel it in your body when you say something that is untrue.  When I say a true statement, I feel a nice healthy in/out type of bouncing energy in my solar plexus. However when I say an untrue statement, I feel a heavier energy swirling deeper, lower down from the solar plexus, around the belly button. Try practicing this yourself and determine your own responses for truth and untruth.  Please note that your responses reflect how you really feel about something, not fact or prediction.


Greater Awareness


Once you’ve practiced this a few times and found a consistent pattern, you will start to trust your gut instincts all the time. It can be very useful to find out how you really feel about something for instance. Do you really want what you are striving for or is it really what someone else wants for you? Try practicing with other people as well. Get a friend to make various statements and you will be able to develop your ability to sense other people’s energy as well as determine whether they are being honest with you! All psychic abilities can be developed with practice – it’s just like learning to strengthen a muscle you don’t normally use – and this is a skill that can be put to great use in a variety of situations.



Helen Shortland is a Spiritual Consultant, Reiki Master Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen has been on the spiritual path for 15 years and has extensive knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses, therapies and workshops, please visit her website or visit and ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics.



Helen is running a Developing Intuition workshop on Sat 19th March at 15 Wheeler Gate. This workshop is now fully booked but another one will be held at a later date at another city centre venue. If you would like to receive information about workshops, please ‘like’ her Facebook page or email to be added to her email database.

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